Online Gambling in Germany - Laws and Regulations

german gambling sites

german gambling sites - win

Pferdewetten (EMHn) sitting on pile of cash

So I normally only trade US stocks as there is more information accessible to the general public compared to European stocks. Today however I decided to check some European stocks. To my surprise I found a stock on the german stock exchange. They are a gambling company that specializes in horse races and trading at around 10 euro’s. While reading the financial statements I found out they have an EPS of 0.77 which would mean a P/E ratio of 15.76. What I found interesting is that they have a 3.99 cash amount a share and a debt to equity ratio of 6%. Subtracting that of the stock price would mean a P/E of only 8.8. Is this a potential asset play or am I seeing things wrong? (Market cap is only 47m so there is definitely room to grow)
I don’t have a position yet but if what I’m saying makes sense I definitely will.
Tl;dr German gambling site is sitting on a pretty large sum of cash with little to no debt and a decent P/E ratio
submitted by TheMels9000 to stocks [link] [comments]

Do people still use Apprentice?

A long time ago I played Magic using Apprentice and magic-league (GO PV!!!)
Anyways, magic-league appears to be a dead site with links to German gambling sites, and Apprentice is apparently on version 2.0.
Are there any active sites that still play like this? I have tried MODO and I think it blows chunks, plus I am not paying twice for cards (online and offline).
Thanks guys! Would love to get back into it.
submitted by ooooooohbaby to magicTCG [link] [comments]

How I can improve my 'Coding Comfort'?

I work as a web-dev for a German gambling site and I spend around 7-10 hours a day in front of my home computer.
While it's not physically stressful in any way, it does get to me.
So far, I've got:
Also learning weird keyboard shortcuts atm to reduce mouse usage.
What else do you do to make it more comfortable?
submitted by stackola to webdev [link] [comments]

My Pitch for an Assassin's Creed Game set during the Unification of Germany (1864 - 1871)

My Pitch for an Assassin's Creed Game set during the Unification of Germany (1864 - 1871)

Assassin's Creed Setting Idea - The German Unification

A Hypothetical Insignia of the German Assassins in the 19th Century
Historical Background
The 19th century was an age of European expansionism, conquest, advancement, and constant war. The idea for a united Germany had only truly begun following the disastrous downfall of the German Revolution in 1848, when nationalism was on the rise and a sense of national identity was beginning to blossom. The Kingdom of Prussia was seen as the best candidate for German Unification by many revolutionaries, who even offered to crown King Wilhelm I as Emperor of Germany. However, Wilhelm declined, fearing that the Austrian and Russian Empires could retaliate against a united German state.
German Revolutionaries - 1848
In 1862, Otto von Bismarck became the Prime Minister of Prussia, and his main goal was to unify the German states into an empire supervised by the Hohenzollern kings of Prussia, famously giving a speech before the Prussian parliament that ended with the words, "Iron and Blood!"
The first step into German unification was to incorporate the region of Schleswig-Holstein, which was under the rule of the Danish Kingdom. Schleswig-Holstein had a large German population, so Bismarck saw it necessary to take the region for Prussia. When the Danish king introduced a new constitution in 1864 that practically incorporated the region into the Danish realm, Austria and Prussia (both of whom were members of the German Confederation) sent an ultimatum for Denmark to revoke the new constitution. The Danish government refused, and the Second Schleswig War had begun.
Austria joined Prussia in the conflict, and the two would invade the Jutland peninsula at the start of the conflict. One of the most infamous Danish defeats during the war was the Siege of Dybbøl in 1864. After an 11-day siege against the fort town, the Danish troops were defeated by Prussian men and howitzer artillery. With the capital at Copenhagen threatened, Denmark sued for peace, losing Schleswig to Prussia and Holstein to Austria.
Bismarck understood that Austria would never accept a Prussian-dominated German Empire right on its doorstep, so preparations were made to wage war against the Hapsburgs. In 1866, Prussia invaded Austria's allies in Hanover, Saxony, and Hesse, while the Italian kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont invaded Austrian lands in Lombardy-Venetia. During this time, Sardinia-Piedmont also had aspirations to unite Italy under their rule. Austria was forced to split its forces as Prussia started another invasion into Bohemia. During the famous battle at Königgrätz , the combined Austro-Saxon armies were defeated. Austria was forced to sue for peace, and the following treaties kicked the empire out of the German Confederation, which was replaced with the North German Confederation. Austria's sphere of influence in Bavaria, Baden, and Württemberg was shattered, and Prussia now was the dominant player of German politics.
The last step in German unification was to provoke a war against France and bring the southern German states into the Prussian fold. That opportunity would come when Spain was undergoing a succession crisis, and the Spanish offered the crown to a Hohenzollern prince named Leopold. King Wilhelm I did not want to provoke France into open conflict, but his hand was forced when Bismarck deceptively altered communications between Spain, Prussia, and France. Napoleon III was angered by these apparent messages meant to take a jab at France, so he and the French parliament openly declared war on Prussia. With France now viewed as an aggressor in German politics, the southern German states joined Prussia in the conflict known as the Franco-Prussian War.
Even though France had an advantage in numbers, Prussian military minds began prioritizing the use of more advanced equipment and trains, which would sent supplies, orders, and reinforcements to the front lines. At the Battle of Sedan in 1870, an outnumbered Prussian army managed to defeat an enemy force of 130,000 French troops. Napoleon III himself was taken prisoner after the battle, and a new defense government was formed in Paris. By 1871, Paris was suffering from a 130 day siege. With thousands on the verge of starvation, the French Republican government sued for negotiations. Around this time, Versailles was under Prussian occupation, where Wilhelm I was posthumously crowned Kaiser of the German Empire. At last, the war ended with a German victory, with France losing control over Alsace-Lorraine and forced to accept a temporary occupation of Paris by German troops.
Gameplay and Game World
A game set during the German Unification would primarily take place in Berlin, Paris, and Vienna between 1864 and 1871. As for parkour, stealth, and combat, it could be a combination of mechanics from AC Unity and AC Syndicate.
Berlin - 1860
Vienna - 1860
Paris - 1860
Traversal - During the 19th century, cities like Paris, Vienna, and Berlin continued to evolve into more modern cities, with wide roads, taller buildings, and an integration of technology. Even though the use of the grappling hook by Assassins wouldn't be mainstream until 1868 and the Frye Twin's fight against the London Templars, there is no reason to not alter lore to confirm the invention of the traversal device within Germany, as nations like Prussia, Hanover, and Saxony were heavily industrialized nations.
Melee combat - Because the combat in AC Syndicate would have been more associated with gang warfare, the combat from AC Unity would be more fit for a game set within Germany, with such weapons like military sabres, daggers, and even a return to hidden blade combat.
Ranged combat - As 19th century Europe was an age of modern advancements, ranged weapons would be highly advanced and far more deadly. There would be a larger use of pistols, rifles, hand grenades, throwing knives, and even a formal return to the phantom blade from AC Unity.
Activities and World Events
With AC Valhalla taking an approach toward world events and side activities, perhaps the same can apply with a game set in the German Unification. Gambling was fairly notorious during the 19th century, so such games like cards, poker, and others would be perfect as side activities. There could even be underground brawls, carriage races, and military practices. Perhaps the best side activity that would be unique to this kind of game is the Prussian war game known as Kriegspiel (just think of the Total War games, but with a chess-like approach). As for world events, they could be bringing criminals to justice, helping civilians with their daily routines, or helping with military deliveries or practice.
The Prussian War Game of Kriegspiel
The game begins in the outskirts of Dybbøl in 1864. Franz, a young soldier in the Prussian army chose to take a nap the night before, but is awoken by the thundering Howitzers, which were constantly striking the Danish entrenchments. It is the 18th of April, and the Prussians prepare for a charge against the Danish troops. After another round of artillery fire, the Prussians push forward, charging downhill at the enemy defenses. After nearly an hour of fighting, the Danish troops are pushed back into the fortress town of Dybbøl. With their defenses considerably more secure, Franz offers to the Prussian commanders that he could sneak in and undermine the morale of the enemy troops. Despite the refusal of this commanders, Franz sneaks off to break into the town on his own.
Using stealth, Franz eventually breaks into the estate that some of the Danish officers and commanders were using as a place to conduct orders and plans. Not only does Franz steal some documents and military plans, but he even kills one of the commanders, looting a golden cross encrusted with red jewels from the body. With the town now alerted to the assassination of the commander, Franz jumps out of a window and into a hay bale down below. After dealing with a few of the Danish soldiers, Franz escapes Dybbøl and brings the Danish plans to his superiors. At first they were disappointed that Franz entered the city anyway, but they eventually came around after looking into the military plans.
On the same day, the Danish garrison at Dybbøl surrendered the town to the Prussians, and the war would continue until October. Denmark would lose the conflict, with Prussian and Austria collectively occupying Schleswig-Holstein.
Franz returns to Berlin in late October, together with the rest of the Prussian army coming home from the war. Franz is then greeted by his betrothed, Emilia, who was standing among the crowd cheering on the marching troops. In the following night, Franz and Emilia would be walking out on the streets of Berlin, and he would be alerted to a commotion in a nearby alleyway. Franz tells Emilia to return back to their apartment. At first, Emilia was reluctant to leave him behind, but Franz told to her again for her safety. She agrees and rushes back to the apartment as Franz delves into the alleyway, where a fellow soldier had been murdered.
He rushes to check on the body, only to discover that it was his friend. Suddenly, Franz is attacked by Templar thugs, who attempt to cover up their tracks by murdering him as well. He fights back, and after a while, he manages to either kill the thugs or force the others into fleeing into the dark night. Around the same time, Berlin officers heard the commotion and saw Franz wielding a bloodied dagger, standing over a fallen soldier. They immediately attempt to arrest him for murder, but he manages to flee from the alleyway and make his way for the rooftops. After reaching the roof of an apartment far away from the crime scene, Franz decides to take a break, wondering how he would explain himself if he was caught again. All of a sudden, he is knocked out by an unknown assailant.
Upon waking up, he finds himself in a room surrounded by hooded figures wielding weapons, guns, and hidden blades; these were members of the German Brotherhood of Assassins. After much revelations and newfound knowledge on his origins, Franz eventually chooses to join the Assassin Brotherhood, who have aligned themselves with the German government in hopes of uniting Germany while handling the Templars in the Austrian and French Empires, with figures like Napoleon III serving as grand masters of the Templar Orders.
Around this time, London was still under the heel of Crawford Starrick, Russia continued to degrade under a Romanov monarchy influenced by the Templars, and the French and Austrian Templars were already attempting to exert their influence in the Americas by invading Mexico as the United States was reeling from Civil War. The last thing the Templars want was a United Germany, as it would both create new problems for European politics, and perhaps even threaten their influence if the Assassins had their way.
Franz, together with the German Assassins, meet up with King Wilhelm I, Crown Prince Frederick III (the Mentor of the German Brotherhood), and Otto von Bismarck, a grand master in the Templar Order. Bismarck explains that, while the Assassins were his greatest foe, he prioritizes German unification above all. After much discussion, Prussian generals discuss their plans for a future war against Austria, who already had allies in Saxony, Hanover, and Hesse that proved problematic for Prussian ambitions toward a united Germany. The Assassins join in on the planning, explaining that after the war is won, they would help their fellow Austrian Assassins in undermining Templar control in Vienna. In 1866, tensions over Schleswig-Holstein, secretly bolstered by the Assassins, would culminate into the Austro-Prussian War.
Franz joins the armies under Helmuth von Moltke and Crown Prince Frederick as they march into Bohemia following the invasion of Saxony. An Austro-Saxon army attempts to disperse the Prussian forces, but are pushed back toward the fields of Königgrätz. After a grueling period of fighting, the Austrians retreat from the field, confirming a Prussian victory. During the battle, Franz managed to kill several Templar officers present at the fighting.
By late July, Austria sued for peace, and Prussia managed to secure victory; Hanover, Saxony, and Hesse would be incorporated into the North German Confederation, Austria was excluded from Germany, and their hold over Bavria, Baden, and Württemberg was completely broken. In 1867, Franz arrives at Vienna to join up with the Austrian Assassins.
Prior to his visit to Vienna, Franz would be given a task to assassinate Friedrich Wilhelm Eduard Gerhard, a professor at the Berlin University who was discovered to have begun the excavation of an Isu Temple beneath the Prussian capital, specifically underneath the future site of the Reichstag. After battling his way through Templar thugs and soldiers, Franz managed to assassinate the archaeologist, and upon discovering the terrifying power of the Apple of Eden buried within, he brings it back to the Assassin Council, who later decided to bury it in Königsberg.
Upon arriving in Vienna, Franz meets the members of the Austrian Brotherhood, and begin the process of finding and assassinating targets throughout the Austrian capital.
After dealing with the majority of the Austrian order, the final Templar target in Vienna was the leader of the Austrian Teutonic Order, Philipp von Stadion und thannhausen. During a banquet at a Viennese palace in January of 1868, the Assassins infiltrated the party, and Franz himself would assassinate the grand master of the Templar Order in the Austrian Empire.
By 1870, Prussia would provoke the Second French Empire into declaring war, with Franz present at the Siege of Metz and the Battle of Sedan. During the chaos, Napoleon III would be captured along with his remaining 100,000 troops. Franz and a few German Assassins were quick in reaching Paris to join the French Assassins. As the Prussians neared the French capital, several Templar members like French Prime Minister Victor de Broglie would be assassinated. At last, France was forced to surrender as Franz was present in Versailles for the proclamation of the German Empire. Napoleon III would be released, but be forced into exile in Britain.
The German Kaiserreich - 1871-1918 Borders
By 1873, Franz was now a master assassin within the German Brotherhood, but was given one final task; the assassination of Napoleon III. With the aid of the Frye Twins in London, Franz was able to pinpoint Napoleon III's location in the British Isles, a small village in Kent. After a scuffle with Templar guards, Franz would assassinate the former French Emperor on the 9th of January, 1873. At last, the Templars and their power were diminished , not just in Germany and France, but also in Austria and even Britain, as the Frye Twins had already liberated London from the rule of the Templars back in 1868.
Epilogue and Possible Lore after German Unification
Following the proclamation of the German Empire, the balance of power in Europe changed, especially as the Templars lost great influence in Austria, France, Britain, and the former German states. However, this peace created by the Assassins would not last, as both Wilhelm I and Frederick III would die in 1888, leaving the throne in the hands of Wilhelm II, who had been influenced by the Templar doctrines of Bismarck throughout his youth. By 1890, Wilhelm would elevate Templars into the echelons of the German military and aristocracy, as several purges would be instigated against the Assassins within and outside of Berlin. By the outbreak of the First World War, it was now the Templars who ruled over Germany, while the Assassins consolidated their influence in Britain and France. Russia would eventually fall under the Bolshevik banner, Austria-Hungary would fragment, and the shame from the Treaty of Versailles would give rise to an extremist Templar faction within Germany; one that would threaten both Assassins and moderate Templars, and one that would go down in history as the world's worst and most vile regime.
What are your thoughts on a game set during the Unification of Germany?
submitted by AncientConqueror to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

$DMYD & Genius Sports: Index for Sports Betting with Strong Tail Winds

$DMYD & Genius Sports: Index for Sports Betting with Strong Tail Winds

DMYD & Genius Sports: Index for Sports Betting with Strong Tail Winds

SPAC's nowadays run up to $15, $20, $25 on merger announcement. Shitty, obscure SPACs with poor fundamentals and obscure business models are all the rage the past few weeks.
Investor presentation linked before the DD: As everyone has noticed, SPACs have put investors on notice in 2020. With massive liquidity in the markets today, tons of money has been flowing into speculative SPAC investments this year.
Given that retail investors have no chance to profit from traditional IPOs that hit the market after a 100% run up (ABNB, DASH, AI, U, etc.) SPACs have presented an excellent opportunity to evaluate and invest in new companies before they actually hit the market. Personally, I have made fantastic returns through a number of SPACs.
That being said, not all SPACs are created equal. Some legitimate mature companies and high growth disrupters have emerged through SPACs: UTZ, DraftKings, ChargePoint, OpenDoor, Virgin Galactic, Eos Energy, and Butterfly are just a few examples.
However, many SPACs are performance chasing the EV hype by pursuing multi billion dollar acquisitions of EV start ups with 0 revenue for the forseeable future. I say good luck.
However, how often do you find a diamond in the rough? A SPAC with a definitive agreement, near NAV and outstanding fundamentals? Oh, and did i mention that they only have one competitor?
One SPAC with massive upside potential at a conservative valuation is DMYD-Genius Sports.
First, who is DMYD? dMY Technology Group is led by CEO Niccolo de Masi, the former CEO of Glu Mobile.
De Masi has consummated 25+ mergers and raised more than $1B in funding for various ventures. He seems to have a knack for the mobile/gaming sector, as his first SPAC: DMYT is taking Rush Street, an igaming company, public. De Masi is a veteran of this sector, which makes Genius Sports Group an interesting target.

Meet Genius Sports. ($DMYD)

(TL;DR at bottom)


Who is Genius Sports?

Genius Sports Group is one of two large sports data providers (the other being SportRadar) that collects and sells live data to sports books. This is incredibly important, as live betting needs constantly adjusted lines to reflect real time game updates. Genius Sports currently has contracts with the NCAA, PGA, NASCAR, FIBA, EPL, Bundesliga, and NBA, among other leagues, to be their sole or primary data provider.
These partnerships have staying power, as these leagues are unlikely to change partners once they are locked in for multiyear contracts. Additionally, acquiring rights to official league data is expensive, thus making a high barrier of entry for new competitors. They have 220 customers including DraftKings, FanDuel, William Hill, MGM, PointsBet, and Caesars. Important to note: Genius takes 5% of revenues of events they cover from ALL sports books.

Genius is above other SPACs due to its mature market position and strong financials.

The company has been growing at a 30% CAGR over the last several years, with revenue growing 250% from 2016 to 2020 ($42M to $145M). 60% of revenue is recurring due to multi year contracts, and the top 10 customers only account for 30% of revenue, thus lowering flight risk of any particular customer.
Genius is already EBITDA positive with 10% margins this year, and anticipates $68M in adjusted EBITDA (adjusted to ignore stock based compensation, a non-cash expense) with 29% margins in two years.

Why Genius Sports?

Genius has a clear economic moat built around:
Proprietary technology to track and record in-game statistics on behalf of major sports leagues, in exchange for data rights
7,000+ statisticians and agents on the ground, managing 240K+ events per year
Highly customizable software that manages every aspect of a sportsbook’s data and trading offering, including advertising and streaming services
Long-term contracts with sports leagues and customers
Significant opportunity for inorganic growth via M&A
Highly fragmented market for technology, content and media within sports ripe for consolidation to boost growth outside of plan.

Genius Sports

Genius Sports

Genius is above other SPACs due to its mature market position and strong financials. The company has been growing at a 30% CAGR over the last several years, with revenue growing 250% from 2016 to 2020 ($42M to $145M). 60% of revenue is recurring due to multi year contracts, and the top 10 customers only account for 30% of revenue, thus lowering flight risk of any particular customer.
Genius is already EBITDA positive with 10% margins this year, and anticipates $68M in adjusted EBITDA (adjusted to ignore stock based compensation, a non-cash expense) with 29% margins in two years. In a year where sports were disrupted by Covid, Genius still grew revenue from $116M to $145M. They also successfully resigned their contract with the NBA, ensuring a multi-year partnership with the premiere US basketball league.
Outside of the betting market, Genius’s ability to aggregate data has led to an interesting agreement with the NCAA. Until 2018, live data with college sports was incredibly inefficient. Genius signed a contract with the NCAA to create a new software: NCAA Live statistics
This is a uniform software for all divisions of college sports. As a former college athlete myself, I reached out to some of the athletic support staff from my University. They raved about how Genius has improved efficiency and accuracy for college athletics. NCAA Live statistics has overhauled the entire industry.
And as New York is in the works of legalizing sports betting, this will explode soon.
Genius Sports also has an impressive amount of customers and partnerships, and even more exclusive ones coming each week. Which ones below do you recognize?; with over 700 partners you're bound to know a few of them.

Some of Genius Sports major customers.
Basketball: NBA, NCAA, March Madness
Soccer: FIFA, Premier League, Serie A, Bundesliga
Golf: PGA, LPGA, European Tour
Racing: NASCAR
Online Sportsbooks: DraftKings & Fanduel
Traditional Sportsbooks: MGM, Caesars, SkyBet, William Hill
Likely Future Partner: Rush Street Gaming (DMYT)
  • Currently up 63% YTD, also went public with the same deal team (DMY)

More and more customers coming in each week.
they only lost 1 customer in last 3 years, and shortly after that customer RETURNED to Genius Sports. talk about real life FOMO, 'eh?

Financials & Trading Dynamics

  • Already makes $140M+ in revenue AND is profitable, with $14M in 2020 EBITDA
  • Growing at 30% CAGR, with $230M revenue and $68M EBITDA by 2022
  • $500M+ EBITDA potential in the horizon
  • Customer contracts have guaranteed minimums with upside on usage. The majority of 2020 revenue is locked in for 3-4 years on average
  • Only ever lost one customer in the past three years
Trading dynamics
  • Deal was overlooked because it was announced just before the election (10/27/20), one of the worst trading weeks for the entire market
  • Reddit following has been limited and Stocktwits nonexistent
  • If Genius Sports were to trade at similar 2022E revenue multiple of 19x as Draftkings, it would imply a stock price of $24-25
Additionally, with Pfizer’s vaccine approval, there is little to no risk of massive sports cancellations in the future. Genius still grew revenue during Covid’s massive disruption. I imagine that the revenue numbers for 2021 will be fantastic.
Now let’s focus on the stock movement and valuation.
Genius is valued as $1.4B, or 7.4x 2021 revenues. For a company with high CAGR and an industry with massive tailwinds, this seems like a fair, or cheap valuation. Note that Genius is trading at a steep discount to lower margin businesses such as sportsbooks Golden Nugget, DraftKings, and Penn. Thanks to @ShortsHoward on Twitter.
While investors have been chasing the next hot EV IPO, Genius has slowly climbed from $10 to $13. Last summer, a rumored FEAC-SportRadar merger led to FEAC pumping to $15+. SportRadar was worth $2.8B in 2018, presenting 60% upside from Genius’ current price to reach its competitor’s 2018 valuation!
DMYD and Genius announced their merger in late October during a market downturn, thus letting it go overlooked. I think this is a sleeper SPAC that will have a massive influx of news in Q1, as its merger aligns with the climax of college basketball and the beginning of March Madness. A single Benzinga article pumped the stock by almost 20% last week.
Consistent growth
Last week, Genius Sports scored an exclusive partnership with the German Tennis Federation:
  • This is just one of the many partnerships Genius bring in. For example, a few days prior to this they scored a deal for Beach Soccer data. Over 700 partnerships and counting.

Exclusive partnership

Do you know who captures and provides the biggest sports betting event of the year - NCAA March Madness - data to sports betting sites?
  • It's Genius Sports and they'll be closing their merger with $DMYD right before that huge event. ESP March Madness for NCAA Basketball; One of the biggest gambling events of the year. The event occurs in Q1, which perfectly ties in with the merger with DMY Technology Group, Inc. II, $DMYD. Merger Q1 2021.
I also think the NCAA presents the biggest upside catalyst for Genius: March Madness. March Madness was cancelled due to the pandemic last year, but betters placed $4.8B in bets on the tournament in 2019. Who has a monopoly on NCAA data? Genius.
Who gets a 5% revenue share from ALL sports books for NCAA events? Genius. With the number of states with legalized betting doubling from 2018 to 2020, we could see upwards of $10B spent on March Madness this year. Along with March Madness, secular tailwinds for sports betting suggest high upside for Genius moving forward. 46 out of 50 states have either passed or presented legislation to legalize sports betting.
As states such as NY, CA, TX, and FL legalize betting, revenues streams will swell. Data will become increasingly important in this industry as live updates are constantly moving betting lines for books. With multi-year contracts with half of the US’s professional leagues, Genius serves as an index for the entire industry.
On top of that; just a few weeks ago Canada legalized sports betting;



166K worth, 100% of portfolio.
Personally, I am long $166k in DMYD stock, and have no intention of selling anytime soon. Always do your own DD, but I hope this post helps. PT $18-20 EOM.
TLDR: Long DMYD as its a sleeping giant near NAV. There are currently no Arbs holding this down, so its primed to explode. Small float aswell. Only one competitor, Sportsradar. And SR is not even publically traded on any market.
Merger Q1 2021.
Market cap around $2B currently
"it's as undervalued as Tesla, both should go up at least 50% from here" - Warren Buffett.
submitted by zech_meme to SPACs [link] [comments]

Yakuza: Like a Dragon - Review Thread

Game Information

Game Title: Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Developer: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio
Publisher: SEGA
Review Aggregator:
OpenCritic - 87 average - 94% recommended - 55 reviews

Critic Reviews

ACG - Jeremy Penter - Wait for Sale
"The turn-based combat is a welcome change however combined with some weird decisions and a somewhat bland story its not all sunshine and rainbows for this new kid on the street."
Attack of the Fanboy - Joshua Garibay - 4 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a bold shift in direction, one that succeeds more than it stumbles in the pursuit of its new design.
Bazimag - Sina Golabzade - Persian - 8.6 / 10
The transition from a top notch brawler to a JRPG feels totally seamless. The gameplay have all the good parts we expect from a JRPG translated to the language of the Yakuza series but it also has some of the bad parts like the need for grinding and some unfair boss fights. The story and new characters are presented in a way that make this new journey for the franchise very well worth taking.
COGconnected - Jaz Sagoo - 86 / 100
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is the perfect update for a flagging series. Its clever storytelling, bizarre substories, and engrossing gameplay makes this one of the strongest entries in the franchise. Mixing deep societal messages with references to popular culture, the game is both hilarious and thought-provoking. It is very clear to see that with Ichiban Kasuga, the series is in safe hands
Cerealkillerz - Nick Erlenhof - German - 8.5 / 10
Yakuza: Lika A Dragon goes a different way but follows what made the series so great. The new protagonist, the story (besides some weak points), the crazy mini games, battle animations, summons and Ichiban Kasuga offer so much fun and action. Some boring dungeons in the middle of the game and balancing issues are the only downsides you should expect. Even if you are not a fan of turn based combat or haven't touched the series yet, you should give this a shot.
Daily Mirror - Eugene Sowah - 4 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon has definitely made some drastic changes to the series but without losing its original charm. The fast pace turn base system has so much added depth while still feeling like a Yakuza game.
The graphics are the best the series has seen to date, players will fall for the ridiculous Ichiban who is a well-worked new hero to the series. Other than the lag between different sections of the games and slightly clunky animations it's really hard to fault this reimagining of the legendary series.
Destructoid - Jordan Devore - 7.5 / 10
Like a Dragon isn't my favorite Yakuza, and its fresh turn-based combat eventually grows stale, but I have a lot of love for it. If it's your first game, it'll quickly initiate you into this wild, one-of-a-kind series.
Digitally Downloaded - Matt Sainsbury - 5 / 5 stars
Who knows if this wild experiment will bear fruit and become its own series. Yakuza: Like a Dragon has everything it needs; an excellent crop of new characters, and even a new playground to base a series in, as we hadn't been to Yokohama previously. The future of the series would depend on how turn-based combat sells in comparison to action brawler combat, I would assume. Either way, though, Like a Dragon is a delight. It's a parody-homage to every turn-based JRPG trope you've ever known, set against brilliant character writing and the traditional urban playgrounds that have built this series into something beloved. I hope the development team is rewarded for the inherent risk that they took with this undertaking.
Eurogamer - Malindy Hetfeld - No Recommendation / Blank
Like A Dragon pulls off an impressive JRPG makeover while simultaneously taking on all the flaws of the genre. - Giuseppe Carrabba - Italian - 8.5 / 10
Like a Dragon is the story of a carp that turns into a dragon, of a gang of scapegoats who decide to defy the established order and come to the head of a desperate situation. Ichiban Kasuga is an individual far from dojima's stoic and serious Dragon but has an equally kind soul and crackling personality, which makes him - along with his strange clique - the symbol of Yakuza's rebirth. A rebirth that passes through a fun and enjoyable but also improveable role-making formula. With this seventh chapter, in other words, the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has shown us the potential of what would seem to be his idea for the future of the series, which with the advent of next-gen consoles could give us great surprises.
GAMEtainment - Dennis Röger - German - 8.7 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon has made the leap into the RPG genre with flying colors. The story is kept exciting and you can't stop following Ichiban's vendetta.
The abundance of side tasks can be a bit overwhelming for the player at the beginning. But once you have played the game for a few hours, you know the most important points in the city. Time passes very quickly when playing darts or karting. By no means you need to believe that these actions are a waste of time. You get personality points which finally strengthen the fighting actions.
The fights bring a breath of fresh air to the row and put a smile on the players' faces. Through the different creative classes you attack the opponents with pigeons or wrestling moves instead of casting disdainful fireballs. Unfortunately, the invisible AoE range of abilities spoils the fun of the game. Also the unusually long races until a comrade reaches the enemy seem strange. A timeline showing the next actors would have been helpful too.
If you like the Yakuza series and are open for new things, you definitely have to go for Yakuza: Like a Dragon.
Game Informer - Jeff Cork - 9.3 / 10
It's a new direction for the series, but Like a Dragon captures the essence of what came before while setting out on its own journey.
Game Revolution - Jason Faulkner - 4.5 / 5 stars
Yakuza fans were anxious about whether the series would survive without the glue of Kiryu Kazama to hold it together. However, Ichiban Kasuga is a worthy successor to the Dragon of Dojima, and Like a Dragon is a great new start for this fantastic series that will please long-time Yakuza fans and newcomers alike.
GameMAG - Russian - 9 / 10
You should look at Yakuza: Like a Dragon through the lens of it's protaginist. This game is unapologetically brash, unmistakable bold, life-affirming and insanely charismatic. The legend of Ichiban Kasuga journey, like a bright flame, tells us one familliar, but sweet and romantic idea - each and every one of us can become a true Hero, even if you have to fight the fate itself, while making your way through hundrends upon hundreds of random encounters.
GameSkinny - RobotsFightingDinosaurs - 10 / 10 stars
Yakuza: Like A Dragon isn't just a great Yakuza title - it's legitimately one of the best modern role-playing games there is.
GameSpew - Richard Seagrave - 8 / 10
Ultimately, despite all the changes that have been made, Yakuza: Like a Dragon feels very much like a Yakuza game. The combat may now be turn-based, and the scenery might be different, but this is still a game full of drama, thrilling battles, and a huge amount of side content, all smothered with an ample amount of humour. And I never thought I’d say this, but I didn’t miss Kazuma Kiryu one jot while playing it; Ichiban Kasuga is simply a more likeable fellow with more depth. So, if you like the Yakuza series, consider Yakuza: Like a Dragon a must-have.
GameSpot - Michael Higham - 9 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon's cast of misfits makes the wild RPG combat, absurd humor, and dramatic storytelling soar.
GameWatcher - Gavin Herman - 9.5 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon reminded me why I loved video games to begin with. I cannot think of a game this year that has gripped me this tightly and didn't let go. Here comes a game brimming with joy and excitement that is earnest with its drama and comedy. It's the sort of game you can gush about for hours, and I will long after this review is published. Anyone who loves RPGs, open world games, comedies, crime dramas, and games PERIOD should have a lot of fun with the newest Yakuza.
Gameblog - Romain Mahut - French - 9 / 10
As the Yakuza franchise is still trying to become a household franchise in the West, the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio decided to flip the switch and create a turn-based RPG. The result of that experiment, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, is a resounding success. The "dynamic RPG" gameplay fits the Yakuza universe and tropes like a glove and its mechanics are surprisingly deep. And the fact that the game's new characters are lovable doesn't hurt. The turn-based gameplay will probably put off some gamers but Yakuza: Like a Dragon truly deserves a shot. The Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio made the JRPG genre proud.
GamesRadar+ - Hirun Cryer - 4.5 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon impressively pulls off the switch to an RPG in style, providing an excellent combat system supported by loveable characters, and a tantalising main storyline with meaningful side quests.
GamingBolt - Pramath - 9 / 10
Yakuza is reborn in this brilliant and compelling new addition to series canon that recontextualizes series tropes and mechanics for an entirely new genre, delivering one of the best outings the series has ever seen.
GamingTrend - David Flynn - 95 / 100
Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has topped themselves once again with Yakuza: Like a Dragon! This new take on Yakuza brings a lot of fun, new ideas to the table while remaining its heartfelt self. Turn based combat is somehow a perfect fit for this new direction, the characters are all instantly loveable, and the story is endearingly melodramatic.
Generación Xbox - Adrian - Spanish - 9 / 10
Yakuza: Like A Dragon is a great turn-based RPG that will keep you hooked on the screen for many hours. One of the best games of the genre on Xbox.
God is a Geek - Chris White - 9.5 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a phenomenal entry into the Yakuza franchise, with an interesting new protagonist, a compelling story, and a combat system that constantly mixes things up.
Heavy - Elton Jones - 8.8 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon largely succeeds at moving the series forward in a bold new direction. Kasuga and his band of unlikely heroes are incredibly interesting and make it so easy to care about their crazy antics. The new main locale is massive and plays host to so many compelling things to do. Getting wrapped up in everything Like a Dragon has to offer is worth it and you’ll easily pour 30+ hours into its captivating tale. The turn-based battle system works in parts, but its annoying character placement issues and faulty summons system keep it from being a total victory. Like a Dragon is still worth hopping into if you’re looking for an amazing parody of RPG tropes, however. It’s a Yakuza sequel that signals a bright future ahead for the beloved franchise.
Hey Poor Player - Francis DiPersio - 4.5 / 5
No doubt about it, SEGA took some considerable risks when they decided to change their established formula so radically for Yakuza: Like A Dragon. But in the end, I think the gamble paid off. Ryū ga Gotoku Studio's latest offering may not pack the punchy, moment to moment gameplay of its predecessors. Still, it makes up for that with its more in-depth brawls, an engaging job system, and a story that focuses not just on a single protagonist, but on several compelling heroes with their own complex motivations. While beat-'em-up fanatics may find this change in direction blasphemous, I couldn't be happier. If you're a Yakuza fan who loves JRPGs, adding this underworld epic to your PS4 library is a no-brainer.
Hobby Consolas - Rafael Aznar - Spanish - 90 / 100
It keeps the great narrative and setting from the Yakuza series, using a new protagonist, a city that has more life than even Kamurocho and turn-based combats. It suffers from some of the classical troubles of the J-RPG, but it is a breath of fresh air and a great example of how to reinvent a franchise.
IGN - Tristan Ogilvie - 7 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon takes some bold steps in a new direction for the series but neglects to maintain its balance.
IGN Italy - Biagio Etna - Italian - 9.1 / 10
An extraordinary and courageous restart for the new Sega title, an extraordinary JRPG that lays the foundations for even more prosperous growth.
IGN Spain - Álex Pareja - Spanish - 8.5 / 10
Yakuza Like a Dragon is a real and huge JRPG who knows how to maintain the essence of the saga. Fun fighting system and deep script with too many ups and downs to justify the new playable elements. I hope this new formula that works and gives new wings to the franchise will be repeated.
Inverse - Jen Glennon - 9 / 10
Like a Dragon is right up there with Yakuza 0 in terms of sheer fun-factor and an almost dizzying abundance of stuff to see and do.
Metro GameCentral - Nick Gillett - 7 / 10
The turn-based battles don't fully convince but the new protagonist and bizarre mini-games still feel distinctively and entertainingly Yakuza.
Noisy Pixel - Azario Lopez - 9 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon makes for an excellent new entry in this long-running series. The developers took a chance on a new protagonist and battle system, which forces fans out of their comfort zone for a very different yet, familiar Yakuza experience. Although the opening exposition can be a bit overwhelming, this is a standout video game on its own with plenty of emotional story beats, insane sub-stories, and plenty of ways to spend your time around Ijincho.
PC Gamer - Andy Kelly - 72 / 100
A fun, charming, and occasionally brilliant Yakuza game, let down by an overabundance of repetitive turn-based battles.
PCGamesN - Ian Boudreau - 9 / 10
An utterly charming yarn about friendship and kindness that breathes gritty modern life into the quaint JRPG format of classic Dragon Quest.
Pixel Arts - Arman Akbari - Persian - 8.5 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a very good sequel to the popular Yakuza series which shows that Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios still manages to create a great story and narrative. The game's turn-based battles are good in themselves, but due to the extreme use of enemies in the environment, they soon became repetition.
PlayStation Universe - Joe Apsey - 8.5 / 10
Yakuza: Like A Dragon is an impressive and quality JRPG that successfully acts as a jumping in-point for new fans and also ties itself to the series' past in exciting and engaging ways. The turn-based combat has been infused with some mechanics that help retain the action and over-the-top hilarity the series is known for. Mini-games once again shine and there is a lot packed into Ijincho. Like A Dragon paves the way for a bright future for the franchise. - Stephen del Prado - A or higher
It was a gamble on Sega’s part to make such major changes to a tried and true formula, even more bewildering given its recent meteoric rise in Western markets. If Yakuza: Like A Dragon proves anything, it’s that fortune does indeed favour the bold.
Polygon - Kazuma Hashimoto - Unscored
Like a Dragon's story attempts to touch on certain social issues that are relevant in present-day Japan, such as classism, social status, sex work, and government corruption on a prefectural level. However, the writing often lacks the nuance or range to address the topics at hand, and doesn't give any of them adequate room to breathe. The second half of the game gains some measure of focus as plot threads tie together and result in genuinely surprising twists, but when Like a Dragon drops the ball, it drops it hard. Despite this, the Japanese cast's performances sell the story with evocative deliveries that breathe life into the characters. The finale is an emotional one that brought me to tears and moved me, just as most previous Yakuza games have.
PowerUp! - Greg Newbegin - 9 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon, when all of its pieces are taken together, is not only a fantastic new direction for the series, it's also one of its best titles.
Press Start - Kieron Verbrugge - 9 / 10
Yakuza Like a Dragon is both a fresh start and a shot in the arm that caters to series veterans and newcomers like. It bears all the hallmarks of a great Yakuza game, while making a damned good case for its revamped battle system. After Yakuza 6 topped the rest of the franchise with a matured and succinct focus it feels even more exciting to see the whole thing blown wide open again and have Ryu ga Gotoku just run wild. Kudos is deserved at Sega of America for their commitment to the game's localization as well, which is incredibly considered and comprehensive. I think I've found a new favourite Yakuza game.
RPG Site - 7 / 10
With a new battle system and new main character, Yakuza: Like A Dragon aims to be a new entry point to Yakuza newcomers even though it is anything but that.
Rocket Chainsaw - Adam Ghiggino - 4.5 / 5 stars
So, the takeaway is this – Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a successful experiment. So successful that I think it should be the template for much of the series going forward.
Saudi Gamer - Essam Al-Shahwan - Arabic - 9 / 10
A brilliant reinvention of the series that still manages to faithfully capture its essence, with an eclectic cast of characters, the star being Ichiban himself. A great entry that goes toe-to-toe with Yakuza 0.
Shacknews - Donovan Erskine - 8 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a successful pivot from traditional Yakuza mainstays. The game goes heavy on style, while still packing in enough substance to keep players satisfied. The party system and new RPG elements give players more ways to play than ever before. The turn-based combat is solid, and never feels too foreign. Longtime fans of the franchise will appreciate what Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and SEGA have to offer in Yakuza: Like a Dragon.
Siliconera - Graham Russell - 9 / 10
Much like Kasuga’s dragonfish tattoo feels like a quirky but faithful successor to Kiryu’s dragon, Yakuza: Like a Dragon rebuilds the franchise by leaving a lot of it in place. The new protagonist doesn’t feel like he has seven games of story in him, but his eagerness to join the fray could carry the next few entries.
Stevivor - Matt Gosper - 8 / 10
After the culture shock of such a total change to the Yakuza recipe, I’m extremely glad the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio team took such a big leap when Kiryu’s tale came to an end. Like A Dragon is a revitalised game full of fresh ideas and proves that the series won’t be re-treading the same ground with Ichiban in the driver’s seat. If this is the first step into the new age of Yakuza, I can’t wait to see how bonkers the next game will be.
TechRaptor - Robert Scarpinito - 8 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon refreshes the action with a turn-based JRPG that retains its charming identity, but it falls into some pitfalls that are emblematic of the genre.
The Games Machine - Danilo Dellafrana - Italian - 8.2 / 10
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is an interesting new entry into the criminal universe created by SEGA, and undoubtedly represents the most courageous and anarchic chapter so far. It's not entirely convincing, but what works bodes well for the future of the series.
TheSixthAxis - Thomas Hughes - Unscored
Yakuza Like a Dragon is an enjoyable new twist on the series, although it's not hard to imagine that many long-time fans of the series will be put off by its slow pace. In a day and age where video game companies rarely take risks, Like a Dragon is a refreshing change of pace for a series that risked starting to feel stale.
TrustedReviews - Jade King - 4.5 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon is a triumph, and Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio should be commended for redefining such a seasoned franchise, despite the backlash it might have received. Leaving Kazuma Kiryu behind hasn't been easy, but Ichiban Kasuga and company have crafted a compelling path into the future that I cannot wait to see continue.
VideoGamer - Josh Wise - 9 / 10
This is the crux of Yakuza: Like a Dragon. It is fascinated by the way that games lurk at the soft verges of life, vesting our days with dreams.
Wccftech - Kai Powell - 9.1 / 10
The mean streets of Yokohama offer the opportunity for a new cast, a new suit, and a new hero. Ichiban Kasuga might not be the role model in the same way that Kiryu-chan was, but this dragon's quest might be the most fun Yakuza title to date!
Windows Central - Zackery Cuevas - 5 / 5 stars
Yakuza: Like a Dragon feels like everything I ever wanted in a game. Once the game stomps on the gas, it very rarely slows down. Its unique cast of characters and gameplay had me hooked and wanting more, and it almost feels like it never stops giving. Even after the story ends at the 45+ hour mark, I was ready to fight more, complete more side missions, and squeeze out every drop of gameplay that this game has to offer.
ZTGD - Ken McKown - 9 / 10
The Yakuza series continues to grow and expand in the gaming world. I love its quirky humor and deep narratives. This new entry begins a new saga and I cannot wait to see how the story of Ichi evolves over time. If it is even half as good as Kiryu’s the studio will have another series of great games on its hands. Everything about this title feels good and for those worried about having previous knowledge, don’t be concerned. Like a Dragon is a wonderful jumping in point for the series and also one of the best titles in it to date. Don’t sleep on this game, it is worth digging into.
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Popular Builder Solitaire Card Games

Solitaire is the much beloved choice for killing time in the office or at the home computer. The three most popular solitaire card games are Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell, and these enjoy dizzying heights of popularity as a result of being included as part of Microsoft Windows in the 1990s (for more on this, see this article). What these three games have in common is that they all fit the "builder" genre. That means that they follow the basic formula of many solitaire games, where the overall objective is to arrange cards in ascending order from Ace through to King, for each of the four separate suits. Typically this is done by placing and moving cards within a tableau of rows and columns of cards, where the cards are often arranged in descending order, sometimes with an additional requirement of alternating colours.
Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell are by no means unique in this regard, and the genre of "building" games is the most popular archetype within the larger world of solitaire card games. Not all solitaire card games are builder games, but builder games are the most common and arguably the most loved. So which other solitaire games of this type should you know about and should you try first? I've explored the world of solitaire card games extensively myself, and also examined numerous lists about the most popular ones, to help you begin your experience with the best of the best, rather than waste your time with mediocre or obscure games. The six builder games covered in this article are time-tested classics that are most well-known and loved, and represent the best "next step" for anyone wanting to branch out after enjoying Klondike, Spider, or FreeCell.
Each of the builder games discussed here represents a small category of its own, because there are many popular variations and related games for each, which I will cover as well. As with my previous articles on solitaire games games, the accompanying links go to, which is a website where you can play these games for free. But because these games are so common and well known, you'll find that they are included in most software and websites that offer collections of solitaire card games.

== Games With One Deck ==

Overview: Baker's Dozen also represents a family of games that plays much like Forty Thieves (see below), but with a single deck. While some variations have a stock, in Baker's Dozen and its most closely related games all the cards are face up, so you have complete information to work with.
Game-play: The tableau consists of thirteen columns of four overlapping and face-up cards each, while the four foundations begin empty. To ensure that the tableau doesn't lock up too quickly, Kings are automatically placed to the bottom of each column when they are turned up. Just like in Forty Thieves, only the single top card of each column may be moved, and columns are built downwards, in any colour and suit. Empty spaces in the tableau may not be filled. As you'd expect, the aim is to get the entire deck onto the four foundations, building up each from Ace to King, with each being built upwards by value.
Variations: Portuguese Solitaire makes Baker's Dozen slightly easier by allowing empty spaces in the tableau to be filled with Kings, while Spanish Patience allows building on the foundations regardless of suit. Baker's Two Deck is effectively the same as Baker's Dozen but using two decks, with eight foundations and a tableau consisting of ten columns with 10 or 11 cards each.
My thoughts: Because this only involves a single deck, Baker's Dozen is much quicker to play than Forty Thieves, and the chances of success are also significantly higher, with as many as 2 of 3 games being easily winnable. The fact that Kings begin at the bottom of the tableau ensures that you don't get stuck too quickly, and being able to build down in the tableau independent of suit ensures a great amount of flexibility. At the same time managing the tableau carefully is still important, especially in cases where empty spaces don't get filled. This makes Baker's Dozen a quicker, simpler, and more accessible game than Forty Thieves and its many variants, while still remaining rewarding and satisfying to play.
Related games: Castles in Spain requires building down in the tableau to be with alternate colours, and in most versions of this game all but the top card of each column in the tableau begins face-down. Quite similar is Martha and its harder sibling Stewart, where every second card in the tableau begins face-down. Good Measure is a more difficult variation of Baker's Dozen, since it uses ten columns of five cards each, and has more strict rules for building on the foundations; Canister has only eight columns with even more cards on each.
Bisley: Special mention can be made of Bisley, which is a classic but more difficult game in this family. In Bisley you use a tableau of thirteen columns of four cards each to build upwards on the four Aces, and simultaneously build downwards on the Kings whenever they become available.
Overview: Canfield is one of the all time greats among solitaire games, and is a genuine classic. Also known under names like Demon, Fascination, or Thirteen, you'll find that it appears in almost every book with solitaire card games. According to legend, the game owes its origin and name to Richard A. Canfield, a 19th century gambler. For an initial outlay of $52, Canfield offered gamblers a reward of $5 for every card successfully played to the foundations, with a $500 pot for successfully playing all 52 cards to the foundations. Anything more than 10 cards played to the foundations would get you out of the red, but in most cases the game favoured the casino, indicating how hard the game can be to play.
Game-play: Game-play is much like Klondike, with the aim of building up all four suits in order. The key difference is the starting set-up, because there is a single face-down reserve of 13 cards (sometimes called the "demon"), with a 14th card turned up as the first foundation card. The foundations begin with the cards corresponding to the rank of this initially turned up card (rather than the usual Ace), and the idea is to build upwards from there, if necessary "turning the corner" from King through to Ace. Also different from Klondike is the starting tableau, which consists of just four face up cards alongside the reserve. The stock is turned up three cards at a time as in standard Klondike, with as many re-deals as necessary. Any space that appears in the tableau is immediately filled by the top card of the reserve pile, which is always kept face-up.
Variations: Given how challenging it can take to win a standard game of Canfield, a number of variants exist that simplify the game slightly, increasing your chances of playing cards to the foundations. Canfield's gambling house is said to have given players the option of going through the stock three times when dealing three cards at a time, or just a single time when dealing one card at a time, and it has been estimated that most games would only see 5 or 6 cards played. The game becomes slightly easier with Canfield Rush, where the cards are first dealt three at a time, then two at a time, and then individually in a final deal of the stock.
My thoughts: Canfield does have a strong connection to Klondike, but has a smaller tableau to work with, while also providing a much smaller number of cards (only 13) that are face-down in the tableau at the start of the game. The real key is finding a way to make these cards available and get these into the game. Given how hard the original game is, I prefer playing with the rule that allows dealing of cards individually, and cycling through the stock as often as necessary. Some of the related games discussed below, such as Rainbow and Storehouse, significantly improve your winning chances, and can be very satisfying to play. Certainly if you enjoy Klondike, this game is a great next step to try.
Related games: In Rainbow (also called Rainbow Canfield), cards may be built downwards in the tableau regardless of suit (some versions still require alternating colour), making it much easier to manipulate cards and work your way through the stock and the reserve. Additionally, cards from the reserve aren't automatically added to the tableau, giving you more control and adding strategic options. In most versions of Storehouse (also called Thirteen-Up), you get an additional head-start by placing your initial four cards on the foundations at the outset, while cards from the stock are turned up one at a time. The big difference in this game is that you must build down by suit in the tableau, which really changes how the game feels, because playing from the tableau to the foundation usually involves a whole string of cards at once. Eagle Wing (also called Thirteen-Down) is somewhat similar to Storehouse, and has a uniquely shaped tableau. Dutchess (sometimes spelled Duchess), is a Canfield style game that adds a reserve of four fans, while American Toad is an easy-to-win version of Canfield with two decks.
Two Players: Canfield has been adapted for a multi-player game under the common name Pounce, and is also known as Nerts or Racing Demon. A commercial version exists under the name Solitaire Frenzy, and the published game Dutch Blitz is also a close relative. In Pounce, each player uses his own deck and tableau, playing simultaneously and real time onto shared foundations, with the goal is to be the first to get rid of your reserve pile. You can play with as many as half a dozen players or more, and the frenzied action typically proves to be enormous fun!
FAN GAMES (La Belle Lucie)
Overview: La Belle Lucie, also called in English "Lovely Lucy" or "Beautiful Lutecia", is a classic representative of the family of games typically described as Fan games. It's one of the more difficult games in the genre to win, and thus some of its variants and closely related games have arguably become more popular than Lovely Lucy itself. But this classic game of French origin is a good archetype of the genre, and you'll find it included in most books with patience games, and on most solitaire websites and software. Effectively this game is just a tableau of 17 columns of three cards each (plus a column with a single card), but the fan-style arrangement with horizontally overlapping cards that is traditionally associated with this game is a signature feature.
Game-play: A single deck is dealt face-up into 17 "fans", each consisting of three overlapping cards, plus an 18th column with just one card. Only one card can be transferred within the tableau at a time, so sequences can't be moved, and building happens downwards according to suit. Empty spaces in the tableau may not be filled. The aim is to build up four foundations by suit from Ace to King. Under the most commonly played rules, once you are unable to place or move any more cards, you take all the cards from the tableau and redeal them into fans with three cards each; there are two such re-deals.
Variations: Three Shuffles and a Draw (also called Lovely Lucy With a Draw) adds a merci play, where you can move a single blocked card once during the course of the game. While La Belle Lucie is sometimes called The Fan, this is also the name of a popular variation which allows exposed Kings to be played to empty spaces in the tableau, making the game less frustrating and far more achievable. Trefoil is identical to La Belle Lucie except that the Aces begin on the foundations, resulting in an initial tableau of just 16 fans.
My thoughts: This is a terrific single-deck game, because you have perfect information given that all the cards are face-up, and the large number of columns/fans means that buried cards have at most only a couple of cards blocking them. La Belle Lucie is very difficult to win under the original and strict rules, especially because empty fans may not be refilled, and cards beneath an unplayable exposed card (e.g. a King) are permanently inaccessible. The merci rule that lets you unblock one card is virtually essential, and usually a standard way of playing, but even after two redeals the game can still be hard to finish, depending on the draw. Some of the variants and related games that simplify things slightly are more satisfying. This is one of my favourite solitaire games to play with a single deck, since it is less luck-dependent than many other popular single-deck games like Klondike.
Related games: One of the more popular games in this family is Super Flower Garden, where building downward is permitted regardless of suit; with good play under these rules the game can be completed almost every single time. Shamrocks takes the essence of La Belle Lucie, but implements several other changes to make the game much easier: Kings are moved to the bottom of the fan during the deal, and you may build up as well as down on the fans (which are limited in size to 3 cards) and can ignore suits; to prevent it being too easy there are no redeals.
Similar games: Games in the Baker's Dozen family (covered previously above) are sometimes classified as Fan games as well, because the game-play is quite similar, with 13 columns/fans of four cards each, but the absence of re-deals gives them a different feel. Bristol is often played with a tableau consisting of fans as well, but there are only eight fans of three cards each, while the rest of the deck functions as a stock that you deal onto three waste or reserve piles. Despite some hidden information, those who appreciate Fan games are likely to appreciate Bristol as well. Intelligence is a two-deck game in the style of La Belle Lucie, while the relatively easy two-deck game Buffalo Bill relies on reserve cells rather than tableau building.
CASTLE GAMES (Beleaguered Castle)
Overview: Beleaguered Castle is the most famous member of what can be called the "Castle" family of solitaire games, and is a classic game that you'll find in most books of Patience. This game sometimes also goes under the alternative names of Laying Siege and Sham Battle. It is an excellent example of an open solitaire game, because all the cards are dealt face-up at the start, so you begin with perfect information.
Game-play: With the four Aces placed in a vertical column as foundations, the rest of the cards are dealt face-up into four rows of six overlapping cards each on either side, forming a tableau consisting of two "wings". As expected, the goal is to build all four foundations in order from Ace through King. Cards may only be moved within the tableau one at a time, rather than in stacks, so only the end card of each row within the tableau may be moved, either to the foundations, to another row in descending sequence regardless of suit, or to an empty space in the tableau.
Variations: In Streets and Alleys, the Aces don't begin in the starting foundations at all, but are included in the initial tableau of dealt cards, so that the four rows on the left side of the foundations each consist of seven cards each rather than six. Thomas Warfield's Stronghold adds a storage cell to Streets and Alleys, to give more strategic options for movement. Citadel improves Beleaguered Castle's initial position slightly by allowing you to build straight to the foundations during the deal, while Selective Castle lets you choose the rank of the foundation cards after the deal. Some solitaire sites offer a Beleaguered Cities variant (sometimes simply called Castle), which makes the game much easier by allowing you to build in ascending or descending sequence (still regardless of suit), and this ensures that you can nearly always complete the game successfully.
My thoughts: Despite the unusual signature "wing" setup, strictly speaking the mechanics of Beleagured Castle are like most other solitaire games (especially Forty Thieves, see below), but with a single deck, eight columns of six cards each, and no stock. The strict rules for movement and building within the tableau make this a very difficult game to complete successfully. Ideally you want to be able to get one of the rows entirely clear, to give you more options for manipulation within the tableau. Even so, being only able to move the outside card on each row is quite limiting, and as a result you will often be thwarted by the luck of the draw early on, especially if high cards bury some lower cards, and so this classic game can be somewhat frustrating. You'll often find yourself quickly redealing and starting over, hoping for better luck the next time around; one advantage of a digital version is that you can keep redealing until you get a deal that seems like a reasonable starting draw. The simpler variant Castle is a good place to start with this game, since it increases your chances of success drastically.
Related games: Fortress operates on a similar concept, but there are five rows on each side of the foundations instead of four. In addition, you are restricted to building on the same suit, but you may build in ascending or descending sequence. Aces start within the tableau (thus two rows have six instead of five cards). The variant Chessboard applies the same principle as Selective Castle, by letting you choose the rank of the foundation cards after the deal (building around the corner on the foundations as required), in order to take better advantage of the cards you have been dealt. Zerline is a German game where Queens are high, and helps by adding a four-card storage area.
Overview: Sir Tommy (Old Patience, Try Again, Numerica) is also known as Old Patience, which reflects its origin as the oldest known patience game, and possible ancestor of all others. The average person may not have heard of it, but it deserves a place on this list because this is a game from which so many other solitaire games are derived, including many more familiar ones. It is at the head of a family of games where cards in the tableau can't be moved after being placed, and that's a unique quality that also makes it quite challenging to win.
Game-play: Suits are irrelevant in this game, and the aim is to build four foundations from Ace to King. You deal the deck face-up one at a time, and the tableau has four columns (or waste piles); dealt cards can be played on any column but cannot be moved from one to another. So while it's still technically a building game because you are building up the foundations, there is no packing in the tableau to assist you with this.
Variations: Some variants (e.g. Auld Lang Syne, Tam O'Shanter) turn Sir Tommy into even an simpler luck-based game nearly impossible to win, while others are extremely strategic like the well-known Calculation. Amazons is an interesting version played with a smaller deck that has the goal of building to the Queens (= Amazons), and is best played digitally given the amount of redealing. Other variants make the game easier (and for me, more enjoyable) by increasing the number of tableaus (Strategy, Lady Betty, and Last Chance) or redeals (Acquaintance), or make it more interesting by requiring building by colours (Puss in the Corner, and Colours, Alternate).
My thoughts: Good players can win as many as 20% of their games, and storing cards in the right order on the four columns is critical, because you want to avoid having low valued cards blocked by higher ones, or having too many cards of the same number in one column. Reserving a pile for Kings and another for high cards is often a good strategy. Even so, it's a hard game to win and can be frustrating. I recommend trying some of the easier variants as a way to enjoy this game; there's a good reason so many variants have evolved from the original over time. It's a large family that includes many solitaire variants, and these are well worth trying and exploring.
Related games: Several two-deck games are in the Sir Tommy family, including Fanny, Frog (also called Toad), Fly, and Grand Duchess, most of which involve using a reserve. Several two-deck games use similar mechanics but operate with a larger 20 card tableau in the style of the simple game Carpet, but involve building both up and down on the foundations; for me personally these are the most fun of all Sir Tommy variants, and include Twenty (also called Sly Fox), Colorado, Grandmother's Patience (also called Grandmamma's Game), and Grandfather's Patience - all excellent games.
Calculation: Calculation deserves special mention, and has become a classic in its own right. What makes it unique is that the foundations are built up by one, two, three, and four respectively, and it requires a lot of skill. The variant Betsy Ross is more luck-dependent but is also easier to complete successfully.
Overview: Yukon first appeared in a 1949 book on solitaire games, and has since exploded in popularity. This single deck solitaire game was partly inspired by Klondike, which is of course the most popular solitaire card game of all time. But because Yukon has no stock and more flexible rules for movement of stacks within the tableau, it allows a lot more scope for thinking.
Game-play: While inspired and indebted to Klondike, Yukon creates a game with a very different feel by removing the requirement that stacks of cards must be in alternating sequence in order to be moved. In other words, you can move any stack to a legal card within the tableau, regardless of the sequence of the cards in that stack. While this makes the game easier, another significant change makes it harder: there is no stock that you deal. So all the cards are in the tableau at the outset, and you'll have to manipulate the tableau cleverly to uncover face-down cards and build all four suits onto the four foundations from Ace through King.
Variations: To make Yukon slightly easier, a couple of variants alter things slightly to simplify the gameplay, such as removing the requirement that only Kings can be placed in an empty space in the tableau (this variation is sometimes called Great River). Some digital implementations give the option of reducing the number of suits used, such as in Yukon One Suit, which you can nearly always win, while still having to think carefully.
My thoughts: The rules for manipulating the tableau give you more options than Klondike, and thus more to consider and think about. Both Yukon and Russian Solitaire (mentioned under "related games" below) are extremely popular solitaire games, because they are simultaneously more challenging and more rewarding than Klondike style games. Skill plays more of a role, and there are players so dedicated to Yukon that they have played it thousands of times. In regular Yukon you can expect to win as much as 1 in 4 games, but the added level of difficulty in Russian Solitaire reduces that to as little as once in 20 games. The key is to bring the face-down cards into play as soon as possible.
Related games: Russian Solitaire makes Yukon harder by only allowing you to build down in the tableau with cards of the same suit, instead of in alternating colours, and it is an extremely popular game in its own right. This requirement is also in place with Alaska, but may build in ascending or descending order in the tableau, which makes it easier to win than Russian Solitaire. Australian Patience is another popular spin-off from Yukon, and adds a stock which is dealt one at a time, while the entire 7x4 tableau starts face up; however this can feel like it's more about careful observation than decision making. Many other Yukon inspired games exist, including games which add things like a reserve, storage cells, or extra decks.
Scorpion: Special mention should be made of popular game Scorpion, which some categorize as part of the Yukon family, and the rules for moving unarranged stacks in Yukon may even originate in Scorpion. However, Scorpion uses Spider's requirement that stacks from Ace to King of the same suit must be assembled within the tableau before being discarded. Scorpion variants include Wasp, Three Blind Mice, Chinese Solitaire, and others.

== Games With Two Decks ==

FORTY THIEVES (Napoleon at St Helena)
Overview: Forty Thieves is a popular and classic game played with two decks, and is also included in most books with patience games. It also goes under the alternate name Napoleon at St Helena (not to be confused with a different solitaire game called "Saint Helena" or "Napoleon's Favorite"), and tradition says that this is the solitaire game Napoleon played while in exile on the island of St Helena. The game also goes under other names, including Roosevelt at San Juan. Its simple rules means that many variations exist, many of which are among the more strategic and satisfying versions of solitaire games that you'll find anywhere. Carefully working through the stock pile and manipulating the discard pile are a big element of successful play.
Game-play: A tableau is dealt with ten columns, each with four overlapping and face-up cards. Strict tableau building rules apply, because only the single top card of each column may be moved, and only onto a card that is the next highest rank of the same suit; any card can be placed into a space that becomes available in the tableau. The remaining stock of 64 cards is turned up one card at a time, with no redeals. The goal is to get all the cards onto the eight foundations from Ace through King in each suit.
Variations: In its strict and classic form, even with good play Forty Thieves is difficult to win, so many variants exist that seek to make the game easier. In some of these, the Aces begin as starting foundations ( San Juan Hill). In others, the tableau is not built down by cards of the same suit but by alternating colours (e.g. Streets), or by any suit other than its matching one (Indian). Some variations allow entire sequences of cards to be moved (Josephine, Forty Bandits, Ali Baba), or combine this with having tableau building in alternating colours (Number Ten, Rank and File, Emperor) or tableau building in any suit (Little Forty). In other variations, multiple redeals of the stock are permitted.
My thoughts: Game-play is very tight in the strict form of the game. It's not always a good idea to play a card just because you can, because you may block cards within the tableau that you need. You also need to pay close attention to duplicates, since two decks are in play. As a result, careful planning and consideration is needed. Unused stock typically ends up into an increasingly large face-up discard pile, but in the latter parts of the game skilful play often makes it possible to dig back through this and complete the game. This usually proves most satisfying when playing with one of the variants that makes the game slightly easier, to increase your chances of pulling out a win. Even with these variants, you'll have to play skillfully, making the Forty Thieves family of solitaire games one of the more popular choices for those who like a longer experience that is thoughtful, challenging, and yet solvable, and where skill plays even more of a role than luck.
More variations: Instead of 10 tableau piles, some variations increase this to 12 piles (Blockade, Napoleon's Square, Corona) or 13 piles (Lucas, Waning Moon); or decrease it to 9 piles (Maria) or 8 piles (Forty and Eight, Congress, Parliament, Diplomat, Red and Black), each with different combinations of rules for tableau building. Games with just 6 piles (Blind Alleys, Pas Seul) or 5 piles (Double Rail) begin to feel much like Klondike.
Related games: Many other games take the Forty Thieves style concept and adjust it in more significant ways. In Interchange (more difficult), Breakwater, and Alternations, the initial tableau includes face-down and face-up cards. The very popular Thieves of Egypt begins with a pyramid shaped tableau. Busy Aces is a straight forward game in the style of Forty Thieves that is at the head of its own family, which includes the much simpler Fortune's Favor, a simple game ideal for beginners. For a terrific overview of all the Forty Thieves related games and their different nuances, consult Thomas Warfield's excellent complete guide to Forty Thieves types games.
This is by no means a comprehensive list that includes all builder-style solitaire games. But along with Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell, these seven additional games - Baker's Dozen, Beleaguered Castle,Canfield, Forty Thieves, La Belle Lucie, Sir Tommy, Yukon, and Forty Thieves - and the many related games that belong to their families, are the most common and popular forms of solitaire games that involve building. They have inspired many solitaire games like them, and have stood the test of time well.
If you enjoy Klondike, which is the most popular version of solitaire in the world, then Canfield and Yukon are natural games to explore next. Beleaguered Castle can be a little frustrating due to the strict rules and dependency on the luck of the draw, and even the other games in its family can be quite challenging. I'd recommend it only for more experienced and dedicated players, and would instead suggest next exploring Baker's Dozen and the games in the "Fan" family inspired by La Belle Lucie.
Their style of play is somewhat similar to Forty Thieves and its many siblings, which double the number of cards in the game by adding a second deck, and also adds a stock pile and discard pile you must manage. Forty Thieves type games are among the best you'll find for those who like a more challenging, thoughtful, and longer solitaire experience.
Author's note: I first published this article at PlayingCardDecks here.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to solitaire [link] [comments]

Red Night Progress Report#5 - The Third European War

Greetings Commander. Welcome to your debriefing on the nature of global conflict in Red Night: Nightmare in Europe. When this project existed as but a topic of discussion amongst the developers, there were always a few core tenets in mind. One such tenet was the inclusion of limited scope. Red Night plans to achieve this scope with a stirring climax for the player. Unlike say, The New Order, Red Night does not aspire to multiple decades of content, due to our own limitation on manpower and capacity. Instead, it has a definitive endpoint. How the game ends is up to you the player, but it must end. Yet before we discuss the end, we must discuss the beginning of the end.
The Third Great War
In these last fateful decades, War has become a constant in a sea of variables. The European way of life was twice turned upside down in recent memory by the brutal inhumanity of the First Great War and the frenzied cruelty of the Second. French blood, as well as German, has watered the wreath of the great generals and stained the bones of the children.
It is 1950, and the tempo builds yet again for the final conflict. Paris cries out; that there is no peace but on the bayonet, wielded by the people’s hands! Moscow replies that peace shall be achieved instead with the vengeful arms of the righteous. Through it, all the horseman rides the fields of Europa, pale and awoken from his brief slumber. In his hands rests the world's fate. Which bloody banner shall be the last republic of man?
Throughout a playthrough of Red Night the player will experience key events on many continents. Proxy wars, rebellions, factional splits. civil wars and sabotage will be common. Such instability is the nature of a world gripped within the throes of evolution.
As the decade nears its end and tension builds the player will be faced with a number of so-called “Flashpoints”. A Flashpoint is anything that has a chance to spark a global war between MARPAC and ETO forces. Here is a sneak peek of a few of those events, which we will provide further details about in their own spotlights at a later time;
It should be noted that war is indeed hard to avoid. If the player maintains peace for long enough they could eventually encounter a scenario that they have no way out of.
The State of Atomic Technology By 1950, both sides of the Vistula possessed nuclear weapons of the small experimental variety and they had yet to be deployed in combat. The Franco-British alliance detonated their first small bomb in a 1945 test over the Atlantic. It was infamously called “Operation Terror”.
Regardless of this early success, the nuclear program was a drain on the Pact’s limited resources. The entire program was accelerated in response to rumours of a full functional German bomb earlier that year. While these rumors were confirmed they would thankfully amount to little, as the German surrender in 1946 came too swiftly for either side to deploy such terrible power. There was no need for a last resort.
The Russian National State, of course, had its own eyes on the nuclear race when it began, and after the Secret Dossier, they even collaborated with the remnant Germans. During the daring exploits of Operation Masterdom, German-Russian joint efforts penetrated deep within Pact occupied territory of Germany and salvaged as well as destroyed all German nuclear facilities and resources. These facilities would be relocated in Konigsberg and later made available to Russian scientists, alongside Germany’s completed nuclear device.
Though Russia started later than the Western powers, they certainly had a technological edge in atomic development. In addition, the natural bounty of the motherland proved to streamline the process. The forces of reaction had quickly caught up.
Kazakhstan would be the detonation site of Rodina-3 in 1948. The test would be graced by the presence of the sickly Vozhd himself, Lavr Kornilov. Russian copycat weapons would enter mass production before their Pact counterparts, as would plan to develop bombs with even greater destructive force.
After 1948 the pact found its own nuclear advantages. With greater availability of resources from North America as well as testing grounds in Africa, (made available after the Plan LE in 1947 liberated the Exiles-occupied part of North Africa) the Pact entered 1950 ready to mass-produce weapons of their own.
PARDAN System and Stages of the Conflict
“La Patrie est en danger!”
The French Defense Readiness level in the Red Night timeline is called PARDAN, this is constantly displayed in-game according to world situation, with five official threat levels:
PARDAN 5: Peace, this state does not exist in-game until a very late time and either bloc collapsed.
PARDAN 4: Caution, this state is the default state of cautious large military presence in the continent.
PARDAN 3: Mobilisation, this state occurs when the tension between the two blocs escalated to a certain point and full mobilisation of the national militaries are ordered.
PARDAN 2: Critical, a state of war exists between France and her allies against the enemy, all national industry and military to the front.
PARDAN 1: Authorisation of full use of military arsenal, including nuclear bombs in a limited number against strategic targets.
PARDAN 0: This state officially do not exists, however this represent the final critical desperate last moment, only activate if the war dragged past the point of no return of PARDAN 1 and one of the two blocs is in possession of ICBM technology, thus enter the final countdown for nuclear salvos to wipe out regions of the enemy.
Revamped first stage of nuclear war
During PARDAN 1, the nuclear war will take the shape of a limited nuclear exchange.Only a small number of warheads will be allowed for the player to use during this phase. These warheads would be delivered via strategic bombers using the vanilla nuke system. However, we have made some changes to the damage of these vanilla nukes. In essence, the vanilla system still exists but has been revamped.
As you can see regular nukes now destroy any and all army units stationed where they explode..Regular nukes will also create a temporarily impassable zone, representing the initial nuclear shock. These zones will be cleared after a few days. This mechanic will force you to be considerate when nuking the frontline, lest you accidentally wipe out your army alongside the enemy. Nukes are not toys! They are however a great tool to stop enemy offensives and destroy their units if you have troops to spare. Remember that the nuclear shock is also a window of opportunity to fill holes, so it won’t be a one-way street.
Last stage nuclear war
PARDAN 0 is the endgame.
All restrictions on nuclear weapons are lifted at this stage, first for the losing faction and next for the winning one. You will gain access to the entire national stockpile and to the ICBM and salvo attack decision panel. The ICBM panel will provide you with a list of targets that you can launch devastating salvo attacks on. However, to initiate such a launch the player must complete a complicated procedure.
For balance purposes, you need to repeat the launch procedure before each ICBM salvo attack. During this critical phrase all bets are off. The enemy will be forced into a desperate slog, and must rush to capture your headquarters as fast as possible before the nuclear devastation is unsalvageable. Remember that while the winning faction has delayed access to the salvo attacks, they will retaliate as well, so it's a gamble you as the player must take.
Some additional notes regarding salvo attacks. ICBMs are a resource and should be considered precious. Each attack will consume a number of nukes from your available stockpile. Also, a salvo attack will render the damaged area permanently destroyed and unusable due to the more destructive payload.. The impasse will never clear, as it represents a high concentration of nuclear fallout as opposed to a single tactical detonation.
Finally, sometimes the ICBM attack might fail to destroy the targeted enemy city. In such a case the player is allowed to attack said location in the next launch cycle. With another strike you may knock it down for good.
When the dust settles...
Eventually, the Third Great War will end, with destruction of unknown scale. Just how miserable the radiated denizens of Europe will be is up to you (Red Night will contain multiple endings). Regardless, there are parts of two potential endings in the aftermath of either side’s victory that we would like to showcase.
Please note that the scenarios shown are only some of the tag changes to the major countries. Other divisions, tags, and potential balkanization will be revealed at a later date.
The Pact’s victory in the war will bring back to Russia the long-enduring Government-in-exile of the Russian Federative Soviet Socialist Republic. Under French influence and necessity, the “Soviet” nature of this new republic will be minimal compared to the old days of 1917. Leading the reborn republic will be the next President of the RSFSR in exile; Grigori Sokolnikov. Sokolnikov emerged as leader after the death of Stalin during the course of the gameplay time frame. He is one of the last old Bolsheviks and the figurehead of the nation.
However, the legitimacy of the Red Emigrés have relied much more on their contribution to the PACT armed forces rather than their political presence. As such, real power in the new RSFSR will rest with the officers of the Bolshevik Legion. The legion is much more respected by France and vastly more influential than the civilian cartel of the Bolshevik Party. This situation only got worse after the death of Stalin alongside most of the original party leaders.Kliment Voroshilov stands as the Major-General of the Legion during the 50s. This position will enable him to lead the restored RSFSR as the real de-facto leader.
Unlike an ETO victory, you will be able to restore the RSFSR ingame when you reach the Urals. This event will often collapse the Russian government, which will leave a series of state remnants, separatists, and loyalists. As earlier mentioned most of these factions will be revealed at a later time. However, we can provide details on one such group shown in the teaser above. The Central Siberia Salvation Front based in Omsk is continuing the valiant struggle against the godless invaders to save Russia.
In the event of a victory by the Pact, the United Kingdom will be restored in Britain under an exile military officer and his organisation based in Scandinavia and Russia. General Sir Ormonde Winter is the heartless man tasked with the job. The status of the Windsor monarchy in Australia would not be addressed in the current time frame, however, as a Russian puppet, the “Kingdom” will only be so in name. The new United Kingdom will be without an actual monarch for a long time.
In France, a small opportunist faction of the local Jacobins in alliance with the underground right-wing will take power in the collapse of the Social Republic. The so-called “French National Salvation Front” will conduct a quisling-esque situation to bring the Undersecretary of Veterans of Revolutionary Wars Francois Mitterand to power.
And that its folks, we will see you next time in the alternative history modding battlefield. We always appreciate good coders and other kinds of talent to help out, so please apply if you feel so inclined!
Subreddit: RedNightMod
Wiki: Red Night
Discord: Link
submitted by Reof to hoi4modding [link] [comments]

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Although the casino has been in existence for around a year and a half, it is surprising to note that Superlines Casino offers 24/7 customer service to all its clients. Staff members can be contacted through various channels like email, live chat and telephone where all queries are resolved in 24-48 hours.
If you don’t want to wait for their reply and you are in a hurry, then you should check out the detailed FAQ section on the official website of the casino operator which we linked to in our online casino review. The dedicated section can help you get answers to some of the commonly asked questions related to casino games and online banking transactions.

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Security and Support

Contacting the Rush Casino customer support is possible in several ways. You can send an email to the customer support ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) as an example. Normally, the reply of the support staff should be in your inbox within a short time period after your request. the Rush Casino live chat is available directly on the casino website. During our tests the customer support staff always provided quick and helpful responses. Moreover, common questions are covered in the that the casino offers.
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At Rush Casino responsible gaming is brought forward through player protection measures. The options give you the option to:
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In sum, Rush Casino provides an entertaining gaming experience for newcomers as well as skilled players. As the games section offers games from 6 popular gaming studios, the game variation can be described as average. The variety of withdrawals and deposits could be slightly broader, but some common options are provided. Furthermore, rewarding offers can be claimed by every player. So, create an account at Rush Casino now to convince yourself!
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Introducing: The Royal Family of Monaco

Prince Rainier III (1923-2005)
Rainier’s mother, Princess Charlotte, was actually illegitimate. Her father Louis II, getting older and with no legitimate children, legitimized her and made her his heir. She never took the throne, and in fact renounced her rights to her son, Rainier, the day before his 21st birthday.
Rainier became the Sovereign Prince of Monaco upon the death of his grandfather in 1949.
During WW2, Rainier served in the Free French Army. During the 40s and 50s he was in a long term relationship with the French film actress Gisele Pascal. Rainier’s sister, Princess Antoinette, wanted her own son to ascend to the throne, and spread rumors that Pascal was infertile. The rumors along with her treatment by the press and public ended their relationship.
After the war Monaco, a country who made its money primarily as a gambling origin, was in crisis as wealthy Europeans found their funds diminished after the war. To restore Monaco’s treasury Rainier decided to promote Monaco as a tax haven, and he personally took control of SBM (the company who owns the Monte Carlo Casino, Opera, and Hostel de Paris) in 1964. Prince Albert still retains a large share of the company and profits from it today.
Everyone knows this one. Rainier married American film star Grace Kelly in 1956.
Their marriage is rumored to have been turbulent. It is said that Grace struggled with adjusting to royal life, regretted ending her film career, and that Rainier had extramarital affairs. Her children have stated that though she was a loving mother, they spent more time with nannies than with their parents.
Grace's dress is iconic, but here you go if you want to revisit some photos from that day.
Rainier smoked up to 60 cigarettes per day, and in the last years of his life his health steadily declined. On March 8th, 2005 he entered the hospital for a lung infection and by the end of the month he was on a ventilator suffering from renal and heart failure. On March 31st he officially announced his son Albert, as regent, and on April 6th he died.
The Constitution
Monaco’s constitution stated that Monaco is a constitutional monarchy ruled by the hereditary princes of the Grimaldi. If the reigning prince were to die without leaving a male heir, Monaco, according to the treaty, would be incorporated into France. In 2002, realizing he had a 43 year old bachelor son, Rainier amended the constitution to allow the crown to pass to his daughters should Albert not marry.
Grace, Princess of Monaco (1929-1982)
Grace was born in Philadelphia to an affluent and influential family. Her father was an Olympian and a Democratic nominee for Mayor of Philadelphia and was appointed by President Roosevelt as National Director of Physical Fitness. Her mother taught physical education at the University of Pennsylvania and coached women’s athletics at Penn.
Her Uncle, George Kelly, was a Pulitzer prize winning dramatist, screenwriter, and director and used his influence to gain Grace admission to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York. Grace became one of the biggest movie stars of her generation.
In 1955 she was sent to the Cannes Film Festival and invited to appear in photos with Prince Rainier. After a year-long courtship, they were married in 1956.
Grace was not allowed to continue her acting career after her marriage. She instead devoted herself to her role as Princess, become heavily involved with the Red Cross of Monaco and the Rainbow Children Coalition.
On September 13, 1982, Kelly was driving back to Monaco after spending time at her country home. During the drive she had a stroke, lost control of her vehicle, and drove off the mountainside. She died a day later.
An article on their relationship
Prince Albert II (b. 1958)
Prince Albert is one of the wealthiest royals in the world with a net worth at more than $1B. He attended Amherst College in Massachusetts, studying political science, economics, music, and English literature, and completed his education with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. He toured Europe in 1979 as part of the Amherst College Glee Club.
Albert competed in the bobsleigh for five consecutive Winter Olympics on behalf of Monaco, and was their flag bearer at the 1988, 1994, and 1998 Olympics. He is also a judo black belt.
He became Prince of Monaco when his father died in 2005.
Prior to his marriage his status as a bachelor was a hot topic of discussion. He was known to date well-known fashion models and actresses, however at age 53 had never married. It was rumored that Albert was gay, something he expressed great frustration with in the press. In 2006 he attended the opening ceremony of the Torino Olympics with South African swimmer Charlene Wittstock. They were engaged in 2010, and married in 2011.
There are rumors that Charlene tried to flee the country the day before their wedding. It is reported that the future bride, after discovering Albert may have fathered yet another child during their relationship, attempted to flee as many as three times before their wedding, however was always intercepted at the airport. It is also said she attempted to seek refuge at the South African embassy, and that officials in Monaco ended up hiding her passport so she could not leave the country.
Moreover, during their wedding, Charlene openly cried at parts, and Prince Albert was caught on camera begging her to kiss him. Honestly, she looked pretty miserable the whole time. The palace has denied all of these claims.
During their honeymoon, they stayed in separate hotels
Here's everything you ever needed to know about their wedding
Watch it
Prince Albert is passionate about the environment and an avid sportsman. Prince Albert speaks French, English, German, and Italian. He speaks English with basically no accent thanks to his American mother.
Illegitimate Children
In 2005, the day before Prince Rainier died, Albert publicly acknowledged he had fathered a son out of wedlock. In 2006, he confirmed he had also fathered a daughter. These children were barred from the line of inheritance because of a 2002 constitutional amendment requiring an heir’s parents to be married.
Alexandre (b. 2003)
Alexandre’s mother (Nicole Coste) was a flight attendant for Air France and met Prince Albert when he was a passenger on a flight. He asked for her number, the beginning of a years-long affair. The relationship ended at the insistence of Prince Rainier. Albert visited Alexandre and Nicole often, however when he refused to acknowledge Alexandre publicly, Nicole sold an interview and pictures to the media. Albert was in mourning for his father and made no public comment, but later did acknowledge paternity. Alexandre and Nicole live in France at an estate given to them by Albert.
Jazmin (b. 1992)
Jazmin’s mother, Tamara, met Albert while working as a waitress. Albert knew of Jazmin and visited her, however did not acknowledge her publicly until she was in high school to protect her identity. In 2006 the French magazine Voici published photographs of Jazmin and her mother on a visit to Monaco, outing her as Albert’s daughter. She has attended events with Albert and Charlene, and is listed as a sponsor for her father’s royal foundation.
An interview with Jazmin
Princess Charlene (b. 1978)
Born in Zimbabwe, Charlene’s family relocated to South Africa in 1989. She represented South Africa at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, finished fifth in the 4x100 meter relay.
Albert and Charlene met at the Mare Nostrum swimming competition in Monaco in 2000, however were not seen together until 2006.
Charlene converted to Roman Catholicism for her wedding, and has learned French and Monegasque after her move to Monaco. She is an ambassador for the Special Olympics, patron of the South African Red Cross, and is passionate about sport.
In recent news, she completed “the crossing” water bike challenge, a 180 kilometer water bike race for charity.
An interview with Charlene and Albert on the 1st birthday of their twins
Albert and Charlene have 2 children:
Hereditary Prince Jacques *twin* (b. 2014)
Princess Gabriella *twin* (b. 2014)
Gabriella was born 2 minutes before her brother, however because of the constitution her brother will inherit the throne. They are super sweet together and you see them at events often.
Princess Caroline of Hanover (b. 1957)
Caroline is the eldest child of Rainier and Grace Kelly, however because of the constitution her brother, Albert, sits on the throne of Monaco. She served as de facto first lady of Monaco until the marriage of Albert and Charlene.
Until the birth of her niece and nephew she was heir presumptive to the throne, although she had only held that title since 2005 after the change of the constitution to include female heirs.
Caroline received her French baccalaureat in 1974, and received a degree in Philosophy from Sorbonne University. She is fluent in French, English, Spanish, German, and Italian. Her hobbies include horseback riding, swimming, and skiing.
Married Phillippe, a Parisian banker, in 1978. The couple divorced in 1980 with no children.
Married Stefano in 1983, the sportsman heir to an Italian industrial fortune. The two had to marry in a civil ceremony rather than a religious ceremony because Caroline, a Catholic, was divorced. Caroline was 3 months pregnant at the time of their wedding.
They have three children:
  1. Andrea Casiraghi (1984)
  1. Charlotte Casiraghi (1986)
  1. Pierre Casiraghi (b. 1987)
Note: The Casiraghi’s are all very beautiful and very fashionable but I don’t want to go much into them here because they are so far down the line of succession. They’re fun to follow for their fashion if you have the time to check them out.
Married Ernst August, a Prince, in 1999. They have one daughter, Princess Alexandra.
Caroline is thus a Princess twice-over, through her family and through her husband. She and Ernst August have been separated since 2009 however are still legally married, thus she retains the title of Princess Caroline of Hanover.
Read about all of her weddings here
See her speaking in English around 12:00 here
Princess Stephanie (b. 1965)
Stephanie was in the vehicle with her mother when Grace died. She suffered a fracture of the neck.
She has studied classical dance and piano, and competed in gymnastics and horse riding. She interned at Christian Dior and debuted as a model in 1984. She has a swimwear and perfume line, and owns cafes and stores in both Monaco and Barcelona. She also has sold more than 2 million copies of her song, Ouragan, and sold 1.5M copies of her album Besoin. She recorded “In the Closet” with Michael Jackson, however is listed as “mystery girl” in the credits.
Stephanie married her former body guard, Daniel Ducruet, in 1995. When Rainier learned of their relationship Daniel was not only still his employee, but had a pregnant girlfriend too. Stephanie gave birth to their two children “out of wedlock” because Rainier refused to grant permission for them to marry, however eventually relented. The two divorced a year later after Ducruet was photographed naked with a stripper.
Read more
They have two children:
  1. Louis (b. 1992)
  1. Pauline (b. 1994)

Stephanie and Jean never married, however have a child together. He was Rainier’s Head of Security. She did not identify him on the birth certificate and it was not confirmed that he was Camille’s father until she confirmed it herself on her Instagram.
More about Jean

Stephanie met elephant trainer (yeah, you read that right) when she presented him with the award for “best animal tamer” at the Monaco Circus Festival in 1997. Franco, a decade older than Stephanie, was married with two children at the time. Franco left his family for Stephanie, moving her and her three children into his circus caravan in Zurich. Marrying in 2001, their relationship lasted 18 months until their divorce.
An interview with Stephanie in English in 1990
Why is he a Prince and not a King?
From vogue:
It goes back deep into the history of Monaco. Monaco has always been a tiny nation, and, for protection, allied itself with (or, at some points, was flat-out annexed by) big powerful countries, with big powerful rulers—aka kingdoms, or, a nation ruled by a king or queen. So Monaco’s rulers styled themselves as prince and princess. That, by definition, made the nation a principality, or one ruled by prince or princess.
Regardless, Albert actually plays a bigger role in the day to day operations of the country than most of his European peers. Legislative power is divided between the Prince who initiates the laws, and the National Council who votes on them. Executive power is retained by the Prince, and he has full judiciary powers.
See their tiara collection
I think the Ocean Tiara, gifted to Charlene for her wedding, is particularly interesting. You either love it or you hate it.
The Grimaldi Curse
What do you think?
submitted by cincbus to RoyalsGossip [link] [comments]

Red Night Progress Report#5 - The Third European War

Greetings Commander. Welcome to your debriefing on the nature of global conflict in Red Night: Nightmare in Europe. When this project existed as but a topic of discussion amongst the developers, there were always a few core tenets in mind. One such tenet was the inclusion of limited scope. Red Night plans to achieve this scope with a stirring climax for the player. Unlike say, The New Order, Red Night does not aspire to multiple decades of content, due to our own limitation on manpower and capacity. Instead, it has a definitive endpoint. How the game ends is up to you the player, but it must end. Yet before we discuss the end, we must discuss the beginning of the end.
The Third Great War
In these last fateful decades, War has become a constant in a sea of variables. The European way of life was twice turned upside down in recent memory by the brutal inhumanity of the First Great War and the frenzied cruelty of the Second. French blood, as well as German, has watered the wreath of the great generals and stained the bones of the children.
It is 1950, and the tempo builds yet again for the final conflict. Paris cries out; that there is no peace but on the bayonet, wielded by the people’s hands! Moscow replies that peace shall be achieved instead with the vengeful arms of the righteous. Through it, all the horseman rides the fields of Europa, pale and awoken from his brief slumber. In his hands rests the world's fate. Which bloody banner shall be the last republic of man?
Throughout a playthrough of Red Night the player will experience key events on many continents. Proxy wars, rebellions, factional splits. civil wars and sabotage will be common. Such instability is the nature of a world gripped within the throes of evolution.
As the decade nears its end and tension builds the player will be faced with a number of so-called “Flashpoints”. A Flashpoint is anything that has a chance to spark a global war between MARPAC and ETO forces. Here is a sneak peek of a few of those events, which we will provide further details about in their own spotlights at a later time;
It should be noted that war is indeed hard to avoid. If the player maintains peace for long enough they could eventually encounter a scenario that they have no way out of.
The State of Atomic Technology By 1950, both sides of the Vistula possessed nuclear weapons of the small experimental variety and they had yet to be deployed in combat. The Franco-British alliance detonated their first small bomb in a 1945 test over the Atlantic. It was infamously called “Operation Terror”.
Regardless of this early success, the nuclear program was a drain on the Pact’s limited resources. The entire program was accelerated in response to rumours of a full functional German bomb earlier that year. While these rumors were confirmed they would thankfully amount to little, as the German surrender in 1946 came too swiftly for either side to deploy such terrible power. There was no need for a last resort.
The Russian National State, of course, had its own eyes on the nuclear race when it began, and after the Secret Dossier, they even collaborated with the remnant Germans. During the daring exploits of Operation Masterdom, German-Russian joint efforts penetrated deep within Pact occupied territory of Germany and salvaged as well as destroyed all German nuclear facilities and resources. These facilities would be relocated in Konigsberg and later made available to Russian scientists, alongside Germany’s completed nuclear device.
Though Russia started later than the Western powers, they certainly had a technological edge in atomic development. In addition, the natural bounty of the motherland proved to streamline the process. The forces of reaction had quickly caught up.
Kazakhstan would be the detonation site of Rodina-3 in 1948. The test would be graced by the presence of the sickly Vozhd himself, Lavr Kornilov. Russian copycat weapons would enter mass production before their Pact counterparts, as would plan to develop bombs with even greater destructive force.
After 1948 the pact found its own nuclear advantages. With greater availability of resources from North America as well as testing grounds in Africa, (made available after the Plan LE in 1947 liberated the Exiles-occupied part of North Africa) the Pact entered 1950 ready to mass-produce weapons of their own.
PARDAN System and Stages of the Conflict
“La Patrie est en danger!”
The French Defense Readiness level in the Red Night timeline is called PARDAN, this is constantly displayed in-game according to world situation, with five official threat levels:
PARDAN 5: Peace, this state does not exist in-game until a very late time and either bloc collapsed.
PARDAN 4: Caution, this state is the default state of cautious large military presence in the continent.
PARDAN 3: Mobilisation, this state occurs when the tension between the two blocs escalated to a certain point and full mobilisation of the national militaries are ordered.
PARDAN 2: Critical, a state of war exists between France and her allies against the enemy, all national industry and military to the front.
PARDAN 1: Authorisation of full use of military arsenal, including nuclear bombs in a limited number against strategic targets.
PARDAN 0: This state officially do not exists, however this represent the final critical desperate last moment, only activate if the war dragged past the point of no return of PARDAN 1 and one of the two blocs is in possession of ICBM technology, thus enter the final countdown for nuclear salvos to wipe out regions of the enemy.
Revamped first stage of nuclear war
During PARDAN 1, the nuclear war will take the shape of a limited nuclear exchange.Only a small number of warheads will be allowed for the player to use during this phase. These warheads would be delivered via strategic bombers using the vanilla nuke system. However, we have made some changes to the damage of these vanilla nukes. In essence, the vanilla system still exists but has been revamped.
As you can see regular nukes now destroy any and all army units stationed where they explode..Regular nukes will also create a temporarily impassable zone, representing the initial nuclear shock. These zones will be cleared after a few days. This mechanic will force you to be considerate when nuking the frontline, lest you accidentally wipe out your army alongside the enemy. Nukes are not toys! They are however a great tool to stop enemy offensives and destroy their units if you have troops to spare. Remember that the nuclear shock is also a window of opportunity to fill holes, so it won’t be a one-way street.
Last stage nuclear war
PARDAN 0 is the endgame.
All restrictions on nuclear weapons are lifted at this stage, first for the losing faction and next for the winning one. You will gain access to the entire national stockpile and to the ICBM and salvo attack decision panel. The ICBM panel will provide you with a list of targets that you can launch devastating salvo attacks on. However, to initiate such a launch the player must complete a complicated procedure.
For balance purposes, you need to repeat the launch procedure before each ICBM salvo attack. During this critical phrase all bets are off. The enemy will be forced into a desperate slog, and must rush to capture your headquarters as fast as possible before the nuclear devastation is unsalvageable. Remember that while the winning faction has delayed access to the salvo attacks, they will retaliate as well, so it's a gamble you as the player must take.
Some additional notes regarding salvo attacks. ICBMs are a resource and should be considered precious. Each attack will consume a number of nukes from your available stockpile. Also, a salvo attack will render the damaged area permanently destroyed and unusable due to the more destructive payload.. The impasse will never clear, as it represents a high concentration of nuclear fallout as opposed to a single tactical detonation.
Finally, sometimes the ICBM attack might fail to destroy the targeted enemy city. In such a case the player is allowed to attack said location in the next launch cycle. With another strike you may knock it down for good.
When the dust settles...
Eventually, the Third Great War will end, with destruction of unknown scale. Just how miserable the radiated denizens of Europe will be is up to you (Red Night will contain multiple endings). Regardless, there are parts of two potential endings in the aftermath of either side’s victory that we would like to showcase.
Please note that the scenarios shown are only some of the tag changes to the major countries. Other divisions, tags, and potential balkanization will be revealed at a later date.
The Pact’s victory in the war will bring back to Russia the long-enduring Government-in-exile of the Russian Federative Soviet Socialist Republic. Under French influence and necessity, the “Soviet” nature of this new republic will be minimal compared to the old days of 1917. Leading the reborn republic will be the next President of the RSFSR in exile; Grigori Sokolnikov. Sokolnikov emerged as leader after the death of Stalin during the course of the gameplay time frame. He is one of the last old Bolsheviks and the figurehead of the nation.
However, the legitimacy of the Red Emigrés have relied much more on their contribution to the PACT armed forces rather than their political presence. As such, real power in the new RSFSR will rest with the officers of the Bolshevik Legion. The legion is much more respected by France and vastly more influential than the civilian cartel of the Bolshevik Party. This situation only got worse after the death of Stalin alongside most of the original party leaders.Kliment Voroshilov stands as the Major-General of the Legion during the 50s. This position will enable him to lead the restored RSFSR as the real de-facto leader.
Unlike an ETO victory, you will be able to restore the RSFSR ingame when you reach the Urals. This event will often collapse the Russian government, which will leave a series of state remnants, separatists, and loyalists. As earlier mentioned most of these factions will be revealed at a later time. However, we can provide details on one such group shown in the teaser above. The Central Siberia Salvation Front based in Omsk is continuing the valiant struggle against the godless invaders to save Russia.
In the event of a victory by the Pact, the United Kingdom will be restored in Britain under an exile military officer and his organisation based in Scandinavia and Russia. General Sir Ormonde Winter is the heartless man tasked with the job. The status of the Windsor monarchy in Australia would not be addressed in the current time frame, however, as a Russian puppet, the “Kingdom” will only be so in name. The new United Kingdom will be without an actual monarch for a long time.
In France, a small opportunist faction of the local Jacobins in alliance with the underground right-wing will take power in the collapse of the Social Republic. The so-called “French National Salvation Front” will conduct a quisling-esque situation to bring the Undersecretary of Veterans of Revolutionary Wars Francois Mitterand to power.
And that its folks, we will see you next time in the alternative history modding battlefield. We always appreciate good coders and other kinds of talent to help out, so please apply if you feel so inclined!
Subreddit: RedNightMod
Wiki: Red Night
Discord: Link
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