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Trouble with Linear Time Continuity

Okay, so this is more like a large set of glitches I've experienced over the years, and I'll avoid the childhood ones. Instead, I'll mention an event from less than a month ago verifying warnings from what I'd like to call nonlinear temporal information messengers.
This is long, but it is weird. I've only told this to a few people, and I hope this is worth the read.
The glitch I'm going to be referring to today is my acting on information that I believed may have saved my life, as info I've been given has helped give me so much peace of mind when life has thrown me curveballs.
Since I've been an adult, I've had TWO separate events in which men of difficult-to- place ethnicity and appearing to be 35-55 years old but hard to place more than that have approached me while I've been working and been around coworkers, both appearing at first to be conversating with me in a work- related way until getting me away enough to tell me they have things that they have been sent to tell me. I am skeptical usually, but over the years, not one thing these men have told me has been a lie.
The first man approached me when I was working an event in the Bahamas for a modeling team I had barely it onto via contests. I was in a large group of ladies, and there were lots of people inside and outside a hotel/casino. He tells me he like to get privacy-- I think he's being a creep, but then he asks if I've been outside yet to enjoy the beach. I hadn't-- it was sunset, people were everywhere, and the beach area was part of the hotel. I went and kept looking back at the hotel while we walked and exited the building.
He then tells me he needed to get me alone because he had a message for me from God. I'd grown up religious but become VERY agnostic/skeptical at this point, so I thought this rich guy was crazy or playing me. He tells me he has a gift from his mother because she had the gift, too, and it's his job to share with me what he is led to tell me. I had said nothing about myself, and there was NO info about me other than the fact I was from the US. I made sure to give him NO info to John Edwards his way into looking like he knew anything. This was in 2006, so looking me up was laughable.
He begins to tell me VERY personal things about myself and my family that I'd never told anyone. He begins to tell me how I feel about some of these things, including guilt, is not right, and that I had to give certain people time to rebuild relationships. He tells me it is okay, almost absolving me of a HUGE burden I'd been carrying. This ended up being true, and it took over a decade to verify.
He tells me I'll have my first child within the year, it will be a girl, and I'll have one or two more children who will be boys much later. I had my daughter less than a year later despite efforts to not get pregnant (ex sabotaged bc and prevented medical care), and I had my son almost thirteen years later this May after thinking I'd never get pregnant again due to lots of doctors telling me I shouldn't have been able to have the first baby.
This man then tells me my current partner at the time is not the person I'm supposed to be with at all. I told him I was trying to make things work with the guy, and the man tells me that my now-ex will die fairly young like early forties or so. However, if I waited that out, his abuse would be so bad that there would be nothing of me left, and my life would be meaningless since I would be broken irreparably.
If I left as soon as I could, life would be hard for a while, but I would be myself. My ex is still alive as he's in his late thirties, but the abuse he meted out as soon as I was pregnant and until I left was bad enough (along with the psychological and other abuse that I'd been oblivious to when this man came along) to match what the man warned me. Until that point, I'd been in denial about the abuse since it hadn't been physical and had never even thought about it not discussed it.
He then describes the man I'm going to end up with as someone older who will love me and run a successful business with me after hard times. This is who the other child(ren)'s father is. We won't be happy until we move to Florida. My partner is almost a decade older than me, we're obsessed with trying to find all sorts of ways to make money now and long-term (we've had a few failed or not- worth-it ventures already), we've definitely had hard times, and he's the father of my newborn. We haven't moved to Florida, but that's come up more than once as a possibility!
The man had kept gingerly putting his arm around me in the least creepy way possible-- like how my dad would do-- and kept looking INTO me as if to make sure I was okay with the information he was giving. He told me everything was going to be okay-- like I'd make the right decisions but I'd needed the data he'd given to get there. I walked back in with him, and everyone had wondered where I'd been. Oddly enough, no one had been outside, and for nearly an hour, I'd had a beautiful Caribbean sunset on the beach with just one other person who seemed to care about ME more than anyone else had in a long time.
I went to grab a drink finally, saw the guy while waiting, and quickly snapped a picture. It is the only picture in my whole trip where there is extreme motion blur despite him not moving. He seemed surprised by the photo and acted like he was shocked I took one.
Later, when the other ladies asked me where I'd been and I told them, they all told me that no one had seen that man. They'd all been standing right by him with me. They said I was alone outside! The picture of him is literally the only thing that made me realize SOMETHING wasn't right, and it wasn't my perception.
I shook this glitch in my life off, even as events unfolded the way he said and even things he left out began to make sense. Then, years later, I was at work as ahem a "dancer," (life had been hard-- someone got criminal charges in my name, so jobs were hard to get in a post-2008 world for a nerdy college grad with an arrest and dropped charges while getting sick from allergies and then-undiagnosed issues lol).
There was a table of regulars with three guys. One guy was always in a suit, and occasionally, you'd see him give a girl money. Another salt-of-the-earth guy would take girls for dances, but it was rare. A third guy sat there and smiled. He looked business casual every day he was there., and he was there often.
After seeing him a few months with none of the guys at that table ever being anything more than polite, I didn't bug him. One day, it was slow, and he flags me over. He then asks if I'd like a palm reading. I get this weird feeling. The guy in the suit looks low-key excited and nods, like he wants me to say yes. The other guy wasn't there.
I say yes, sit down, and give him my palm. He doesn't even look at my palm, my hand drops, and he begins unloading details about me EXACTLY like the last guy, almost like updates on some things from the last time and new information. I am in total shock.
He tells me I'm very sick. I need to get out of that kind of work as I'm very sick and making myself worse. I ask how-- was it my female issues or weird allergy? He says not just that but it was many things. This proved to be true as I have a kind of rare genetic disorder that causes other issues. Working on my feet and not resting like I'd been doing there and at restaurants could have crashed my nervous system.
He tells me specifically that the MAIN thing I need to watch out for is my kidneys. I ask him if they are damaged. He says no, but that I need to be very careful as I could die (almost like earlier than planned) if I don't protect them. I thought wrongly this had to do with my blood pressure being low as that stresses the kidneys when you go untreated like I did for decades.
A few weeks ago, I got bloodwork showing my kidneys were failing and causing anemia. I thought I'd just had an allergic reaction to a med a few weeks prior, but in additionto that, my kidneys had been shutting down. I'd been losing hair in clumps, itching all day, and looked like I was dying, even after discontinuing the meds and taking antihistamines that only helped a few symptoms.
Before I saw my doctor, I began treating the kidney issues. My doctor is not willing to admit the meds did this, but I saw the bloodwork and know. She wants me on more of the same kind of meds, but I'm getting a new doctor. I heard the man warning me replay in my mind my whole visit, so I'm going with that!
Perhaps the most weird is the statement he made when he fussed at me. He told me even more details about the guy I was supposed to be with, and I started trying to figure out how some of that could be true since it didn't match my boyfriend at the time. He looks at me like I'm stupid and says, "He reminds you of the man you're supposed to be with, but he isn't him. You'll see." It was like he thought I had mistaken one man for another outside time-space continuum limitations.
My logic circuits did not like this statement. It rolled around in my brain for MONTHS, on and off. "Reminds" meant I already knew and remembered who I was supposed to be with, but that is in the future, so wtf?! I considered it maybe a fluke or issue with the guy's English. He had a slight accent that was hard to place (like the other guy in the Bahamas), so I filed this glitch statement away.
I got up after the conversation as he also reassured me much like the other man had. Despite working there for a few more months, I never saw him again. I saw the guy in a suit a few times alone and quiet, but not nearly as often. This weirded me out. When I asked girls there about the guys, almost no one knew who I was talking about despite them being there all the time. The girls who did know had seen one guy but not all of them, and no one had seen the ambiguously ethnic guy.
About two years later, I had just broken up with my ex and was out with a friend at an afterhours club on July 4th. It was slow, but she was trying to keep my sanity by keeping me occupied and distracted. I was out on the patio, and the very nice young guy I was talking to about his breakup with his boyfriend (he'd been in tears) had his buddy come out to take him home.
His friend looks at me as he helps his friend up to leave and says, "Why are you out here? Your husband is in there, waiting for you!" The crying young guy looks confused and says something to that effect. The guy tells him it's true and walks him away.
I was shocked as the only guys I'd seen were gay or obviously taken, other than the dj. That's why I'd gone outside to breathe fresh air and feel sorry for myself. I thought the dj was some young guy who thought I was weird after my friend introduced me to him-- she'd brought me there for that purpose. The dj was, in fact, quite a bit older than me and liked that I was weird. Most importantly, he was very single after getting out of a relationship a few months prior. This is my partner.
Shortly after dating, I began noticing LOTS of impossible similarities between him and my ex- boyfriend as to likes, dislikes, hobbies, bad habits, and even personal stories. He was a very different person, but it was almost like my ex had been trying really, really hard to be who my partner is naturally.
My partner said he felt like a replacement due to how many times even my daughter would point out these things. I then remembered:
"He reminds you of the man you're supposed to be with. You'll see."
I told him about this, and my partner was just as confused as I was. When I told him all of the above, he only wants to know smart-ass things like why I didn't ask WHAT the successful thing is we are supposed to do so we can move to Florida already! (He also said all of it was bullshit until I got pregnant, reminded him it would be a boy, and it was!)
I really feel almost like I've had "people" glitch into this reality to help me out through what have been some crazy, dangerous, and seemingly-impossible situations. The advice, analysis, and predictions I've been given have held up.
I also feel like two events happened in these interactions that shouldn't have. The first was the picture. The guy acted like I'd broken some weird rule but didn't guilt-trip me about it. It was like I should've asked him first, but he would have said no anyway.
The second was when the second guy got annoyed with me trying to get my ex to make sense as "the one." It was like he lost composure and explained something in a way that shouldn't have been explained. The conversation was cut not long after that.
Telling me I mistook my ex for someone in the future was SUCH a loaded statement as to the nature of reality and myself. The future was influencing my past, and not just from what they told me but from what I must have subconsciously known about my future. I started realizing some odd events and decisions I'd made over the years backed this up.
The mindfuckery of then trying to decide what I'm doing because I like it and what I'm doing because it makes sense cosmically in a nonlinear temporal fashion became something I tried to avoid pondering. I've had lots of little glitch moments, but what takes the cake is these two men who seemed to not exist glitching in and out of this plane to help me.
Either I'm insane, very psychic, and can manifest photos of nothing into people, or for some weird reason, I'm being looked out for to make sure I have hope when I'm on the edge of being hopeless (later, not at the time of these glitches). I'm very honored that I was given what I was given either way.
Has anyone else ever had anything like this happen?
Also, I really feel like being told I was mistaking something now for something in the future might REALLY apply to some of the stories here! Taking linearity of time out of the equation makes what seem to be synchrocity, Mandela Effects, and weird memories (especially of things that never happened but you avoid like a warning) all rational event types.
submitted by lizbertarian to Glitch_in_the_Matrix [link] [comments]

WATCH 2:30 PM - Governor Edwards COVID-19 Announcement on Response to COVID-19

WATCH 2:30 PM - Governor Edwards COVID-19 Announcement on Response to COVID-19


Gov. John Bel Edwards
  • Cases that come back positive hospitalizations are increasing.
  • Clear to me that the current restrictions are not enough. The appeal to the Louisiana citizens is not producing the results that are needed.
  • Yesterday was the highest day of new cases.
  • Today we report 2,166 new cases and a case positivity of 11.3%
  • Both yesterday and today exceeded 10% for case positivity.
  • Yes, we are testing more people. This is good, a test does not create a case it tells you where you have cases. So yes we are seeing more of the cases that are out there.
  • Thus far in the month of July, we are 11 days in, and we have almost met our monthly goal of 200,000 tests with over 195,000 tests reported as of today.
  • As recently as June the 19th we were 10th in the country for cases per capita now we are number 3.
  • Our rate is not just higher for Louisiana but for all of those states that were previously ahead of us.
    • We are number 3 behind New York and New Jersey.
  • We cannot go back to a time where we are running out hospitals and ventilators.
  • Yesterday alone we added 75 new inpatients today was 65 more.
  • June the 13th we had 532 people in the hospital today we have [____].
  • Fauci says we need better compliance with mask usage, physical distancing, and limiting crowd sizes.
  • We have been extremely patient to have compliance from the community but we are moving a little further.
  • Trying not to ever move back to Phase 2 or Phase 1.
    • Need to balance between the virus, the economy, and opening up schools.
  • Staying in Phase 2 until at least July 24th with some changes starting Monday.
    • Masks are mandated statewide for 8 years of age or older unless they have a health condition that prevents them from wearing a mask.
    • Strongly suggested that children between 2-7 wear them
    • Parishes can opt-out of this mandate if they do not have a high incidence of COVID-19 only 3 parishes currently qualify:
  1. Grant
  2. Red River
  3. West Feliciana
  • All bars closed to on-premises consumption but may do curbside pickup.
  • Indoor social gatherings are limited to 50 people.
  • 50% occupancy remains for businesses.
  • Informal backyard gatherings are the largest contributor to spread think birthdays, baby showers, weddings, etc. Instances where you only invite your close relatives and close friends. But your close relatives and friends may have COVID-19 and they are not part of your immediate household.
    • If you have these types of events you need to keep them as small as you can, wear masks, physical distance, and try to hold them outdoors.
  • Changes go into effect Monday night right after midnight so there is time to comply. Orders will stay in place until at least July 24th.
    • Mod Note: Monday at midnight for this instance means 12:01 AM Monday, so it will start right after midnight today.
  • These decisions are based on White House guidance and guidance from public health experts.
  • Vice President Pence will be coming Tuesday and the White House Task Force been encoring the public to follow local and state orders to follow mask mandate. They encourage mask mandates for where cases are increasing rapidly [like here in Louisiana].
  • Face masks order follow CDC guidance. Masks are mandated statewide for anyone 8 years of age or older.
  • Exemptions to mask-wearing:
    • Have a health condition that prevents you from wearing a mask.
    • Anyone eating or drinking.
    • Anyone communicating to the speech impaired.
    • Anyone who is giving a public speech.
    • Anyone removing face covering for identification purposes.
    • And anyone who is part of a parish who has opted out of the mandate.
  • High incidence of COVID = 100 new cases per 100,000 people per 2 week period.
  • 3 parishes are below that threshold, Grant, Red River, West Feliciana Parish.
  • Even if your parish opts out it is strongly encouraged that everyone wears a mask when outside the household. Just because these are the least affected parishes does not mean there is not COVID there. There is COVID-19 in every parish.
  • If you have are vulnerable you are always safest at home. (Those over 65, diabetes, obesity, etc.)
  • At the end of the day, while I know this will be unpopular and controversial with some, we know face masks work. It is that simple. The vast majority of the spread of this disease comes from people talking, sneezing, coughing, and the mask helps contain the virus from being spread to neighbors.
  • None of these steps were ones that I wanted to take, but they are essential.
  • Typically there is a 14-day lag between a change in behavior and when that change shows up in the numbers and there is an even longer lag time for the change in deaths. So we will not see any changes [from mandating masks or closing bars] in the near future.
  • (We have no reason to believe the numbers we have been reporting are going to get any better, they are likely to get worse.)
  • Bars have been proven to be hotspots for the spread of coronavirus. It may not be true for every bar, but it is true for many of them. Thanks to the many bar owners for complying with restrictions, this is not meant to punish anyone.
  • Identified at least 36 outbreaks from bars impacting over 400 people. We know that number is much higher. All of this has happened in Phase 2 when bars were opened. We also know that leading the spread in recent weeks has been a younger age group more likely to frequent bars. This age group continues to be a big driver of cases.
  • Younger people are spreading COVID19 to older people who are becoming ill in growing numbers.
  • Public health officials believe that bars have a higher risk than other businesses due to the social aspect, having to speak louder over music, keeping the mask off to drink, etc. Alcohol diminishes decision making.
  • I know this will be challenging and unpopular but it is necessary and the right thing to do under these circumstances. We cannot let this illness win. If you, like me, are interested in keeping most of our economy opened and not regrew back in phases, or open schools next month, these things (wearing a mask or closing bars) is a minor price to pay.
  • This should not be a political issue. Someone how there has been a political issue that has come up around masks. You will see that people of both parties will be stressing the absolute importance of wearing a mask.
Dr. Joe Canter (LDH)
  • At the end of the day this I about the perseveration fo human life.
  • Mask mandate follows CDC guidelines for high incidence.
    • High incidence of COVID = 100 new cases per 100,000 people per 2 week period
  • 61 out of 64 parishes currently meet this definition.
    • 3 parishes are below that threshold, Grant, Red River, West Feliciana Parish.
  • The level of COVID incidence is high in the overwhelming amount of parishes of Louisiana.
  • If you are battling a disease you need to know what you are fighting and where it is, which his what testing does. If you do more tests you will find more positives. When we look at cases we look at multiple measurements like percent positivity, which is increasing. The large spike at the end of March and April when CPR increases to 30% is when we were highly restrictive in who we tested which artificially inflated the percent positivity.
  • Over the last week, (Jun 22-July 5th as measured by date of collection, the percent of positivity was 15.3%. Highly concerning number.)
  • A lot of people who test positive are asymptomatic and spread it to their community or other family members.
  • Young adults aged 18-29 accounts for the largest grouping of COVID cases.
  • Over the past week or 2, we are seeing what we feared we would see which is further spread from younger adults to older individuals.
  • COVID has a real propensity to spread, we had no expectation it would stay within the 18-29 age bracket. The most recent data is now showing us that the virus is indeed spreading from those younger adults to older individuals.
  • **(In Phase 2 if you have a vulnerability, are increasing in age, or have a serious underlying medication condition, the risk to you and your personal health is greater and you need to think twice about the risk you take on.
    • Maybe you shouldn't go out. Maybe someone should make food for you.
    • Families should support these individuals.
    • Staying inside and distancing is the safer thing to do.)**
  • We have leading signs and lagging measures. Cases are on the leading sign and fatalities are on a lagging measure. We know that in Louisiana individuals who will die from COVID-19 become symptomatic 16 days before that fatality.
  • Concerned we will see increasing hospitalization and increasing deaths.
  • We have already doubled the number of patients hospitalized with COVID from the middle of June.
  • We have to turn this around.
  • At this point in time, we have more cases coming in than when we were at our peak.
  • Differences between these two peaks are the first time around it was focused on New Orleans, shows the case growth to date without New Orleans. This is a statewide problem and we look similar to Florida or Texas were. We are not as far along but we need to turn this around.
  • The good news is we have already beaten this once we can do it again.
Dr. Neal of OLOL Regional Medical Center
  • We knew when we went to Phase 2 we would see a little more community spread resulting in a few more admissions so we were prepared for that.
  • We were not prepared for the steep escalation in hospitalizations we began to see 10 days ago and cases have not quadrupled.
  • We have too many people in our hospitals.
  • When our hospitals get full it is incredibly hard to care for everyone.
  • Of our patients that are in the hospital, 1/3 are in the ICU.
  • The youngest is 25 and had no medical conditions when they entered the hospital.
  • Patients in their 20s, 30s, 40s are in the ICU struggling for their lives.
  • This is a nightly occurrence in the hospital.
  • **(This takes a tremendous team to do that work and that team can no longer offer care to all those who need it.
    • Those that need for bypass surgery, joint replacement -- they haven't been able to walk in 6 months, or those that have a mass that may be a malignancy.)**
  • We cannot allow this in the community anymore, we have to be better stewards so the whole community is healthier from all of their illnesses, and not just COVID19.
  • We all need to wear masks by doing that we protect our community, each other, and our families. This is how we continue being safe in our homes and not wind up in the hospital as patients with COVID19.
  • Think about each and every interaction you have with another individual, keep your distance, try to have that interaction by Zoom, or by phone.
  • We know that this works, and we know that if you do it we can continue to provide everyone the continued quality of care we expect every day.
Dr. Rainey Winfield Sports Medicine Physician
  • Truly concerned about overwhelming the healthcare system as it exists today.
  • Seen COVID in all demographics.
  • Symptoms have evolved from 3 symptoms to 9 symptoms.
  • New symptoms in the Millenials of migraines headaches, stomach issues, and diarrhea.
  • Increased mental health issues in the community are being seen as well.
  • Assure you that the healthcare system cannot be successful unless the public plays its part by socially distancing, washing hands, and WEARING YOUR MASK
  • Mask wearing works. Respiratory droplets can go up to 12 ft so if you wear wearing a mask it protects those around you. We are in a position now that we are losing lives by something that can be prevented.
  • Take this seriously and listen to what is going on.
Gov. John Bel Edwards
  • Misspoke, this is in effect Monday morning not Tuesday as previously stated. It goes into effect at 12:01 AM Monday morning.
  • Shout out to the medical professionals. There has been no one who has stepped up as tremendously and it runs the entire gamut of the medical profession.
  • As Louisiana, we owe it to them to not overburden them.
  • We can prevent it, we have done it before. We do not need to go back to other Phases to do it. We need to follow the CDC and White House Guidelines to slow the virus.
  • Let's be good neighbors and realize we all have a role to play.
  • This opportunity will not last forever, now is our time. You cannot. wait till next week or next month or there will not be time left by then.


Is mask mandate for indoors only or outdoors as well. How will be it be enforced
It is indoors and outdoors when you cannot be physically distanced from others. When you go into an office building or retail establish or restaurant etc unless you meet one of those exceptions that mask needs to be on. If you are outside and are in close proximity with others you need to have a mask on. This mandate applies to all locations. There are exemptions for individuals and those 3 parishes if they choose to opt-out. If they were to opt-out, CDC guidance does not change and everyone is encouraged to wear masks if they can.
Businesses will be required to tell people they need to have a mask on. Businesses can accept a representation from someone saying they meet one of those categories of exceptions. Other than placing law enforcement officers at every building there is no way to do it. There is not a goal to go out there and write citations. We want people to comply. We want businesses to make the effort to put up the signs and if someone does not meet the exception and refuses to wear a mask and if they don't leave they are trespassing. The mandate applies to churches but we will not be enforcing it in churches. WE will not be writing up pastors or doing those things. They are encouraged to understand that that setting where people are there for over an hour it is important for those individuals to wear a mask.
If you were to cite a business what would the penalty be? Is it a fine? If so how much?
I'll get that answer to you. That will not be the first resort. When we go to a business we remind them of the requirements. The first efforts are always going to be to pressure compliance and not a fine.
Will citations be for business owners or..
The owners.
Will you be pulling back on elective surgeries
The office of public health has not told me that that is something they are recommending right now. There are hospitals around the state who have different staffing issues and they may choose to make a different decision for themselves. This has not been raised to a statewide level where I, the governor, would need to consider that.
There are 3 major issues hospitals are facing:
  1. Testing turnaround times.
  2. Remdesivir availability.
  3. Staffing.
Medical exemptions for earring a mask. DO people need to carry a doctors note if they meet one of the exemptions
Business owners have the right to ask you to put on the mask so if you have someone that can document that it would be good to have it on your person but owners are not required to ask you for that.
Conditions that meet exemption for mask-wearing. Tiny minority fo people meet these.
  1. Respiratory issues where wearing a mask puts you in danger.
  2. Children are younger than 2.
  3. Case by case basis.
**The larger point to be made, if you have a condition that you think makes it untenable to wear a mask, it is also likely the case that you are at increased vulnerability for COVID. You really need to look at your own risk profile and if it is worth doing the activities that you would like to do. [(Mod note: aka why are you going out if your respiratory function is that comprised that you cannot wear a mask)]
In terms of casinos will they be limited
Limitations only have to do with social gatherings, not businesses. Phase 2 occupancy requirements remain in place for commercial businesses. The only businesses that are affected by the new occupancy limitations are bars and event spaces.
Why bars and not restaurants
Data we have shows that restaurants do not pose the same risk of transmission as bars. Restaurants with bars in them can seat people at the bar as an extension of the seating area for the consumption of food.
Does guidance apply to State employees
Yes, both to employees and the general public entering a public building.
Texas has begun to send ATF out to shut down businesses. We haven't issued any penalties it's more a warning system. Do you think this is working? Why not be stricter with enforcement
Well, I just announced I am closing every bar. I do not know how to be more categorical than that. Last time I got an update we visited more than 3,100 commercial establishments. What I can tell you is that the vast majority of those were not out of compliance and if they were they got into compliance quickly. Likely it was something simple like employees wearing masks around their necks and not their faces. I have instructed that for repeat business offenders to start issuing citations so I believe you will start seeing that going forward.
I've said from the very beginning a public health emergency of this nature if the people of Louisiana are going to insist that we enforce our way through it we will not be successful. We will continue to have people unnecessarily spreading this disease and then other people through no fault of their own, they may be the most responsible citizen out there, they may contract it because someone in their vicinity is choosing not to be a good neighbor. Then these individuals will go to the hospital and fill that bed and cause all of the problems for the hospital system and its providers, affecting not only the COVID community but anyone that's in need of medical service. To those people of Louisiana who say "well, we are not going to listen to any of that and we are going to make them enforce our way through it. Then we will be unsuccessful but I believe in Louisiana, we are better than that. Our people have always been good and resilient. We are faithful people. We know what it means to be a good neighbor. Now is a good time to be a good neighbor. If you don't like the mask mandate then don't like it, but wear your mask anyway if you are going to be out in public. If you want to criticize me, then criticize me. I understand this is going to be controversial. So be it. It the right thing to do. It's the essential thing to do. But don't sit back and say we will only be successful if we enforce our way through it. That is the wrong attitude.
Can you talk about how the decision for the VP to come to Baton Rouge came to be and the testing issues that may be discussed?
Many things made Louisiana an obvious place to come. We are back to #3 in the country for COVID19 cases per capita. They picked BR specific to do surge testing, one of 3 areas around the country to get above our baseline of 5,000 people. We haven't met that yet, but we are working towards it. Because of the steep increase in cases in BR but even steeper increase in positivity in BR. Louisiana has been on radar front and center for the White House Coronavirus Taskforce since the beginning. We have never come off their radar. I think that is. why he is coming here.
While he is here he will talk about higher education and what we are doing to safely resume on-campus in-person instruction on time. What that mix of education of in-person and distance learning will look like. Plus LSU is the current national champion and he gets to come down be on that fine university. We will meet in a large space in the club on the south end of the stadium.
Did you talk to Clay about the new mandate or the petition gaining speed because of this?
I speak to lawmakers frequently and had the opportunity to talk to them specifically about the proclamation I am signing today. I make sure they are getting regular updates and they see the number and trajectory they are on. So by the time we make these decisions, it is in their mind that this is something we may do. Yes, I had the opportunity to speak with them.
The first time we have a surge in the state there was an awful lot of people who said that only affected Orleans or Jefferson Parish and not us, but that is not the case today. This is literally statewide. The hottest area in the state is in Lake Charles and the second hottest is in Lafayette.
I think the petition would be a tremendous mistake. For us to be the only state without a public health emergency when we are number 3 in the country cases per capita, our positivity is over 15%, we have the highest case growth we've had in the entire public health emergency, our hospitals are filling up again, and all the coordination and resources we need to make available, and all of the coordination we need to do with the Federal government, not to mention making sure we are able to take advantage that they can only send to Louisiana IF we have a declared public health emergency, and the ability to take advantage of the Stafford act? All that would be threatened by a silly partisan petition. They can do if they want but that would be a tremendous mistake and the people of Louisiana will pay a higher price. I urge members not to sign it and if they did sign it to have their names taken off of it.

Final Comments

  • We've been here before, we can get back on top of this and start driving cases down.
  • We all have a role to play.
  • Be a good neighbor.
  • Being a good neighbor means do not make that personal visit. You wear your face mask when you re outside your home and are in proximity to others who are in your household. Wash your hands often. Stay home when you're sick. Take care of those people whoa re especially most vulnerable.
  • You are safer at home always.
  • If you re out and about do not patronize a business that is not operating safely.
  • Pray for our state and our country.
  • Confident we will get through this.
  • It'll be easier and quicker if more people comply with what we are asking you to do.
submitted by WizardMama to Coronaviruslouisiana [link] [comments]

WATCH LIVE 2:30 PM Governor John Bel Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference

During the last press conference, Governor Edwards stated that the next conference would take place the same time next week, and as of 9:30 AM, there hasn't been an announcement stating otherwise. I will update this post if the time changes.


Gov. John Bel Edwards
The "Great Doctor" Billioux - LDH continues to try to publish more and more data weekly. They have added more information such as the percent of positive cases by regions and hospitalization breakdown by region to the Dashboard. - The difference between this rise in cases and what we saw earlier on is that we have significantly more data which allows us to communicate to you a lot more early warning signs. - We haven't yet seen real big rises in ventilator usage like our neighbors in Texas, but if these curves continue we will probably see these numbers go up. - More individual information was added this week regarding race data. * Louisiana was one of the first states to provide race data for people dying by COVID-19. - LDH now feels comfortable putting out race data by cases. * There is still 19% of cases that they do not have race data. Whether it is from lack of information taken when someone is tested or inability to get information from contact tracing. - Still see there is a disproportionate number of African Americans who are contracting COVID-19 when compared to their white counterparts. * This is also true for our Latin-X communities. - The disparity is starting to narrow, at least for deaths. - It is important that we know where COVID-19 is and how to protect ourselves. - At the regional level, we can see other races beyond the Black and White races available for parish data. - Where is COVID Spreading?
Outbreak Setting Number of Outbreaks Cases % of Cases
Food Processing 11 423 30%
Bar 36 393 27%
Industrial Setting 16 117 8%
College/University 3 84 6%
Restaurant 16 68 5%
Construction Site 3 48 3%
Casino 4 38 3%
Social Event - Private 3 38 3%
Office Space 8 36 3%
Wedding 7 31 2%
Gym/Fitness Setting 3 26 2%
Ship/Boat 1 25 2%
Other Worksite 8 24 2%
Social Event - Public 1 24 2%
Child Daycare 7 17 1%
Religious Services/Event 2 17 1%
Recreation 2 10 1%
Retail Setting 3 8 1%
Camp 1 5 0%
Grand Total 135 1,432 100%

Questions by Dr. Billioux

Explain the 14-day quarantine...
Gov referenced the need to quarantine for 14 days. As we do contact tracing and tell them they may have been exposed, we know that some people's initial urge is to go out get tested. More often than not its been several days since your exposure, so testing is reasonable. If you know you have been exposed today it is not advisable to get a test today. Regardless of being tested, 5 days after exposure and it is negative, you can still turn positive on day 13 or 14. Quarantining is for 14 days regardless of your test result. If you ae been exposed you need to do whatever you can to isolate yourself from other members of your household and certainly do not go out.
Why we are seeing cases in college universities when they are currently closed?
So there is a couple of data points that we have around that. One is that for the last week or so more than 1/3 have been from 18-29 certainly 29 or less. So that is the same population we would see around college campuses. The other point that I may is that even though the universities may not be open hey still remain centers of our community were people of this age group reside. A university draws a large group from that age range so it is not surprising to see an increase in those locations. Note it is 3 we have identified out of 84 cases. We are trying to engage college students to make sure our message is clear to inform them on the best ways to keep themself safe. Even though are seeing very few people are needing hospitalization and even fewer are dying but if you increase the number of people who are exposed in this age group the number of people who will be hospitalized or who die will also increase. We now have 25,000 active cases statewide, even if these individuals are in a low-risk group for bad outcomes for COVID, but anywhere anyone else goes there is a higher chance of being exposed to COVID-19 whether they are going to bar or a gym the likelihood of catching the virus is higher.
Cannot hear question - will update later
We definitely see most cases coming from population centers but from the beginning, we have seen cases coming from rural settings. If you look at the map every parish has cases, as we increase testing in smaller parishes we see increases in cases. Some of our smaller parishes rank highest in the amount of COVID cases and deaths in the nation. It is a problem that is truly statewide. This is not a New Orleans or EBR problem, we have COVID cases rises spreading everywhere across the state in the way we did not in March.
Are you tracking cases in prisons and correctional facilities? Why isn't this reported on the Dashboard.
We track cases wherever they come from. We want to know if they are from individuals that are residing in the setting or staff that work in a setting. We recently partnered with the CDC to do more comprehensive testing in a prison int he North, we work with the DEpt. of Corrections with their testing procedures, same on the parish level to help them support their testing. Individuals' locations are not identified to the public unless they are posing a risk to the public. If we take an example of the bars in Baton Rouge and were not able to identify everyone who had been there we did make a public statement. It is not mandated by the Federal government to be reported like nursing homes are.
How can we make restaurants safer
We always look at how we can make any setting safer. Recently we are looking at how we can increase enforcement. Having people in these settings to makes sure staff and patrons are doing what they can reduce their risk in these settings. Bars produce a particular risk. You may be leaning in closer to yell over sounds or if you are slowly drinking a drink you are not taking a mask on and off. We are visiting those sites.
How many new citations or violations have been given from the LDH
Data is not available. Normally we give a warning and then a follow-up visitation and if that is not corrected by the followup visit a citation is not ordered.
Are you planning to break up COVID-location exposure by regions
No. Anyone one of these settings you should assume it is going on in your neighborhood. What is more important is to make a self-assessment when you enter a setting if it is safe for you to be there or not.
Gov. John Bel Edwards

Question by Gov Edwards

Earlier you compared us to Texas. Texas is limited crowd size, cracking down on restrictions, and adding a statewide mask mandate. Are you considering limiting crowd sizes, adding restrictions, or instituting a mask mandate?*
Other states are considering closing bars and indoor dining. Seeing the surge in cases have you reconsidered the current restrictions on restaurants and bars?
I will tell you that we are getting the guidance directly from the cOronavirus task force as well we have done over 3,100 site visits over the last 10 days or so. Primarily working through the Free Marshall Office we are trying to gain more compliance with existing restrictions and are having success in almost every case. We will be starting our followup visits and if there are repeat violations actions will be taken there. In regards to 50% occupancy for on-premises dining, we are on par with what Texas is doing now. Our decision not to go into Phase 3 was the right decision. I can only imagine what the case would be if we removed to Phase 3. We are paying attention to all of these things and maybe making some adjustments to the restrictions. Currently, we remain focused on getting compliance with existing restrictions. If this proves to be insufficient to get our numbers under control we whatever is necessary to not put a strain on our hospitals. We are not there today but we are on-trend to get there.
President Trump says he wants all students returning to school for in person instruction, do you have guidance on what you would like to see with schools reopening?
First of all, I would hope aspirationally we want to see our schools open 5 days a week for in-person instruction, but at the same time, we have to balance the interest of preserving the health of students, staff, and faculty. We need to look at what situation is at any given time of the situation, particularly in advance of when that school year will commence. You will see school districts implementing even more measures to protect students, staff, and faculty. Under no circumstance do we anticipate a return to pre-COVID normal. Even if we have in-person instruction on campus it will not look like how it was prior to COVID. Not like to see school assemblies, students eating in lunch, students will not be coming into contact with people who are not their immediate cohorts. It is important to get students back onto campus not just for education but for nutrition, social well being, mental health services, and we have to remember that teachers and school counselors are mandatory reporters when they suspect a child has been subject to abuse or neglect. For all these reasons we ant them back on our campuses but we ate to do it safely. Only recently the CDC related a plethora of guidance. K-12 leaders are pouring over that now to make sure it is incorporated into our plans of reopening. Impossible to know on July 8th what it will look like or whether it will even be possible to open schools a month from now.
Question about fall sports and Senators Fields request that K-12 sports be cancelled for the Fall
It is a little too early to say on July 8th what this will look like. I appreciate the concerns of Senator Fields, that decision may be a prudent decision but we are not at the time where that decision needs to be made. WE need to know al little more and get a little deeper into the calendar before the decision is made.
Question about how Gov. Edwards feels about then comparison of wearing a mask to the holocaust
It is utter nonsense and sad. My best advice to anyone who wants to talk about any person or situation today and compare it back to the nazis or the holocaust is not appropriate. Certainly not in this circumstance where mask-wearing is recommended across the world now, including by our own Federal Govern and White House to wear masks to stop a disease that is highly contagious and highly lethal. It just misses the boat on all fronts to compare that to something related to the holocaust.
cannot hear question
Dr. Birx called me last week they were looking at certain hot posts across the country where you had increases in cases and positivity that were very pronounced. They wanted to assist going into those areas with additional testing, with the hopes of identifying more people with the coronavirus, put them into quarantine, and cool off these hot spots. In EBR we may be seeing this because of the younger demographic, we are a college town, we do not know why we are seeing it but we appreciate the help and hope to get the 5,000 additional tests today between now and July 18th. This is the only federally sponsored testing taking place in Louisiana presently. If you have questions about this testing or how to take advantage of it call 2-1-1 to pre-register. [location of testing sites]
submitted by WizardMama to Coronaviruslouisiana [link] [comments]

WATCH LIVE: 2:00 PM - Gov John Bel Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference for the explanation of Phase 3

WATCH LIVE: 2:00 PM - Gov John Bel Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference for the explanation of Phase 3
OFF-TOPIC: there is a disturbance set to move into the gulf | Spaghetti Models

Phase 3 Information:

  • Businesses will have 75% occupancy.
  • Mask Mandate.
  • Parishes that have a 5% positivity rate for 2 weeks can opt-in to on-premise alcohol sales.
    • Bienville
    • Jefferson Davis
    • Orleans
    • St. John the Baptist
    • Plaquemines


  • Storm entering the gulf (information is available above).
  • Moment of remembrance for September 11th.
    • Asks that people remember the sense of unity that we had post 9/11 we should be able to gain that unity without having that tragedy.
  • Restaurants, churches, salons, spas, gyms, and other businesses can open at 75% occupancy with social disgracing distancing required.
    • Bars have been closed for on-premises consumption. We have done what we can to help them realize revenue. Know there is still a number of them that are closed to on-premises consumption, want to provide a responsible framework for them to open as it is safe to do so. Looking at White House Taskforce guidance...
  • Bars will remain closed in parishes with a high incidence of COVID-19
    • As recommended by Coronavirus Taskforce.
  • Bars can open to on-premises consumption in.. parishes with a positivity rate of 5% or lower for 14 days if the parish gov opts-in. The two-week data is updated by the Dept of Health. The next update is on 9/16.
    • Bars can open with 25% capacity at 50 people total indoors.
    • Customers have to be seated for table-side only service.
    • Only 50 customers outdoors.
    • Social distancing required indoors and outdoors.
    • Outdoors have to be seated for service as well.
    • Live music still not allowed.
    • Sale and service of alcohol must end at 10 PM with patrons cleared by 11 PM.
    • Individuals younger than 21 are not allowed in a bar. 18-20-year-olds are not permitted in bars.
  • Other social gatherings indoors will be limited to 50% capacity with a max of 250 people with social distancing requirements.
  • Outdoor crowd sizes are limited to 50% capacity up to 250 people if people will be in close proximity and social distancing is not possible.
  • Casino limitations will not change under the new order. Casinos remain at 50% capacity / 75% of the gaming positions.
  • Sporting events will operate at 25% capacity with social distancing required and no alcohol sales.
  • Alcohol consumption at all venues will end at 10 PM.
    • Include restaurants, event centers, weddings, and casinos.
  • A statewide mask mandate remains in place.
  • CDC Recommendations remain in place for those at high-risk
    • should not go out, are safer at home, and should avoid large crowds unless they need to get food or medical care.
  • The order will be in place for 28 days expiring on Oct 9th.
  • Nothing will change for nursing home visitations.
    • Nursing home population remains at high-risk.
    • 40% of all the fatalities in Louisiana from COVID-19 have occurred at nursing homes.
    • Congregate living --the type at nursing homes-- is where the virus spreads easier and these individuals with their age and comorbid health conditions are a higher risk of the virus and are more likely to have a poorer outcome.
    • LDH in consolation with CMS is working to finalize plans for a pilot program to see if we can allow for some visitation, specifically outdoor visitation. It would be a 28-day pilot program. Nursing homes will have to be located in parishes with 5% positivity or less and the home has to have 0 cases in the last 14 days to participate. Additional details to be provided.
    • People at the Department of Health are putting forth great effort to make sure we are doing this in a safe and effective way.
Dr. Billioux
I will upload a better version when I can
  • Data we are looking at when we look at the upper left we see COVID-like illness (people presenting to an ER with symptoms of COVID), below is a graph showing the volume of testing and organs bars show the percent positivity gray line is the 10% line, upper right is the epi curve (new cases remove every day by collection date) black line is the average of incidence over time, bottom right blue line is the hospitalizations and the organ line shows the last 14 days.
  • We always look at 14 days because that is the recommendation for the gating criteria from the White House.
  • COVID-like illness has been on a steady decline across every region since we had the mask mandate.
  • The testing graph shows the interruption that happened as a result of Marco and Laura, the state needed to redeploy its resources and its National Guard partners meaning we could not do community testing at the level we wanted. So you can see the decline from the week that represents the storm, and you are beginning to see a rebound from that due to our wonderful National Guardsmen redeploying our testing sites. However, we are not seeing the line come up very high very quickly.
  • The people of Louisiana need to know:
    • Testing is widely available.
    • Get tested if you have symptoms.
    • Get tested if you've been exposed.
    • Get tested if you evacuated due to Hurricane Laura.
  • As you can see the percent positivity has been declining, we are at about 6.79% right now, which is well below the 10% recommendation for the state.
  • The epi curve shows we have been on a steady decline since the mask mandate and bar closures.
    • More recently there has been an uptick in the state. Some of that reflects a decrease in testing with a new increase in testing and some of that reflects quite frankly new cases that we know are evolving in settings like universities and schools, but not over a 14 day period. We have not made that criteria of a 14 day period.
  • Hospitalizations have been on a steady decline since the new restrictions.
  • Strictly speaking, looking at the data we have met the criteria for moving into Phase 3.
  • However, there is data we don't see/know, that is what we need to be watching out for
    • Impact of Hurricane Laura
      • We had a week we didn't have visibility for because of decreased testing.
      • Frankly, there is not as much testing happening as we would like to see from shelterees and evacuees right now. We do not know if transmission of the virus has happened because we are not catching it because we not seeing people taking advantage of the testing.
      • Testing sites in Lake Charles and Sulphur.
      • Testing available at points of distribution.
      • Testing sites in New Orleans and Baton Rouge in hotels.
      • There is a significant amount of asymptomatic spread, please get tested and protect your family.
    • Schools reopening - the impact of K-12 going back to school and universities reopening. Part of that is because we paused testing and because people went back home and now they have returned to school.
      • We know not everyone has gone back to full in person.
      • Most have done hybrid learning.
    • Labor Day Weekend - because there hasn't been enough time.
      • Most people stayed home and celebrated with their household.
      • Some people didn't and we won't know the impacts until 2 weeks from now.
      • Hopefully, we will find people by large did what we asked. That cases and hospitalizations stay down because as you saw we have a very active Atlantic season right now. Not a good time for us to face multiple disasters as we have more COVID increase.
  • Another trend we are focused on is the increase in cases in the 18-29-year-old age group.
    • The sharp uptick in 18-21-year-old age group.
      • The age group that has gone back to school.
      • Still seeing that group come up even with bars closed.
      • Watch this very carefully especially as we talk about gatherings and football.
    • Saw last time that as this age group leads other age groups followed.
  • CDC released a report of childcare settings and infections of those that the child return home to.
  • Under the age of 21 we really do not want you in the bar setting. You should not be there. You are not of drinking age, and it brings you into a setting where you are at high risk for exposure.
  • COVID like illness is decreasing across the state. When we look at cases across the state it is a mixed bag. There are many regions across the state where we are seeing an uptick in cases but they do not meet the 14-day threshold.
  • Note Region 5 is difficult because it is the SW Louisiana and it is difficult because all numbers plummeted because of evacuation and as they return we would expect to see increases.
  • Concerned as we look at hospitalizations. Our biggest concern is being able to have adequate healthcare capacity to meet the needs of Louisiana.
    • Watching these trends closely.
  • As we move into Phase 3 and there are greater capacity in restaurants and some bars and operate in limited services. It is critical to remember that everything that has gotten us to this point still needs to be in place.
    • The physical distancing of 6 ft or more is really important.
      • When we call you and ask if you have been in 6 ft of someone for greater than 15 minutes... you will still be a potential contact and need to quarantine for 14 days if you have been exposed to a known positive COVID case for more Thant 15 minutes.
    • Continue to wear a mask. More and more data shows that people who are shedding the virus mask usage reduces the risk you spread the tother people. You protect other people by wearing a mask and other people protect you by wearing their mask.


Do you have any idea how many parishes are below 5% or less?
5 out of 64 parishes.
Mechanically does the 2 week period become effective today or does it become effective on the 16th?
As the governor noted we will be updating this, we have been providing these updates and will provide the next one on the 16th. First, the parish has to make 2 (2-week checks at 5% positivity or less so 4 weeks total, and then the parish government has to opt-in.
What does the nursing home pilot program look like?
What you will see us talking about, is decreasing becomes less relevant than what is going on in the community. The percent of positivity is especially important. What is the level of spread in your community? So for the nursing home pilot we are looking at a low community spread so probably 5% or less in the community. We are also working with nursing homes to establish protocols where people are outdoors. People are wearing PPE and it has to be a pretty nicely mandated visitation where you know who and when someone is coming, being symptomatic, isolated, or quarantined for COVID-19 will all be reasons to not see your loved one. Out of the 5,000 Louisianians, we have lost so far 40% have been from nursing homes. As we look to have families reunite we must do this in a way to not put your loved ones at risk. Not only your loved one but those in the rest of the facility as well.
John Bel Edwards
  • A parish has to be eligible so they have to be at the 5% below the threshold for at least 2 weeks.
    • Data is publicly available on the LDH website.
  • Parish has to opt-in.
  • If at some point subsequent to opting in a parish gets to 10% or higher in positivity then those bars will close again. Then it starts over again and they will have to satisfy the gating criteria again.
    • Otherwise, you would reopening and closing bars within a few days or so, so this is a way to do this responsibly and safely under the control of the local government.
  • Today's COVID-data
  • We've had some positive trends that allowed just to make these moves but I have a concern about what isn't reflected in the data which is why this has been the most difficult decision I had to make with respect to applying the gating criteria to the phasing.
  • Encourage people to take mitigation measures seriously.
  • As we reopen more of the economy/our churches, to more occupancy, these things only really work if we continue to wear our masks. Wash your hands frequently. Stay home when sick. Socially distance from that outside for your household
  • Outdoors is safer than indoors.
    • If you want to support restaurant pick up, get delivery, or eat outdoors.
  • People need to understand there isn't a lot of room for movement forward beyond Phase 3 until we get past the pandemic.
    • Until such time social distancing isn't required how do you go to 100% occupancy?
    • We do not go from 75% to 100% until the pandemic is over.
  • Hurricane Laura Info Mod note I am not covering this but if you would like me to please message me.


Missed question
I am concerned about the impact Labor Day will have. Experienced the beginning of the Summer with Memorial Day. We Know that is when we had a surge in cases driven by the younger population, particularly those in the 18-29-year-old group. I hope behavior would be different for Labor Day because everyone saw the impact that behavior had on our state. Dr. Birx was talking about, the White House was talking about it. I am hopeful that won't happen again. I am relieved we are increasing our testing numbers again and having more testing sites coming up and will be watching the data very closely. I am mindful that we have started school. Colleges' campuses have also opened to students. But am comforted that there is still a lot of virtual and hybrid learning occurring. We do not have a lot of school systems fully open for in-person instruction. I believe Louisiana will do what is needed to protect one another from having a repeat of what happened after Memorial Day.
Is there some scenario where we have those Labor Day numbers come in and they are so bad you change your mind and we go back?
There is always [that possibility], whether because of Labor Day or anything else, you watch the numbers. We will not put ourselves on a course where we lose the ability to deliver life-saving care in our hospitals. It didn't happen in the first or second surge and I will not let it happen going forward. Yeah it certainly remains possible, but I am hopeful we will not get anywhere close to that, but if we have to we will. I have said this all along. That is why we keep making the point -- it is not a theory anymore -- we had that huge surge in March and April and we were able to flatten the curve through a stay at home order but, we have shown reducing our curve is not reliant on having to have a stay at home order if people wear their masks, wash their hands, and social distance. You can have a larger portion of your economy open and have and much normalcy as possible without the cases skyrocketing if you adhere to the mitigation measures. It is up to the people of Louisiana to adhere to them. I have a lot of concerns. Anytime you announce you are going to the next phase people tune out all the info they are given that COVID is still here, that abiding by mitigation measures, protecting the vulnerable, all of that stuff and some people will say well we are going forward and that is all they think about. That mindset is what causes us to have real issues as well. Need people to mindful. I ask local leaders to set good examples so we can stay on top of this virus and keep trends going in the right direction.
Will Phase 3 have any impact on the state workforce in respect to the public sector
In order to make sure all sate employees are working where they can be most efficient and productive in the safest possible way. Where you have offices, for example, cannot be at 100% so some of those people will continue to be home. Some agencies work in office spaces that are less traditional where it is harder to work safer in that environment while people on wildlife and fisheries are on a boat and in a safer environment.

Closing remarks

  • Thank you for continuing to cover this.
  • If you look at the Gulf of Mexico to the West Coast of Africa you will see a number of storm systems most of which do not pose a threat to Louisiana. The one off of the coast of Florida does, and too soon to know about the coast of Africa. It will be very difficult for our state if we have to go through another hurricane in our present posture where we have people already sheltered from the last storm which we are still trying to recover from.
  • Lift each other in prayer.
  • Be good neighbors.
  • Do what is required of us to protect ourselves, family, and one another.
  • Next press conference on Monday afternoon.
submitted by WizardMama to Coronaviruslouisiana [link] [comments]

WATCH LIVE 2:30 PM Gov. Edwards COVID-19 Press Conference


The summary is transcribed live, maybe paraphrased, and will contain spelling and grammatical errors until I am able to edit it once the press conference ends.


Dr. Gina Laguard of Regional Medical Director of Region 9 / Northshore
Giv. John Bel Edwards


Now that you won in court do you intend to crackdown, not he BBQ restaurant in Denham Springs?
Yes. We will share that information with you when it is appropriate.
When will that be?
When it is appropriate.
Do you think there will be leftover funding from the CARES Act or Business Grant Program in a time period that could keep the unemployment trust fund solvent?
I do not see in the portion of the CARES Act that we dedicated to local government. There is a certain amount, of the 1.8 billion we received it was my recommendation that 45% of the 1.8 billion be reserved for local government. The house went more or less with that, but then did fund $300 million for the Main Street program, and then a smaller allocation for Front Line Workers. We believe that will be completely exhausted and I do not know if money will be left in the Mainstreet Program. I haven't received a report yet and I think it would premature to guess. They will not begin to issue checks until Aug 15, and I do not know how many applications they received, nor how many qualify. We will know by the end of the month, and it could potentially be there at the end of the month. But even if it is there that money would not tie us over for very long. So the assistance we need in Phase 4 of the Coronavirus Relief that is currently being negotiated is critically important for us. We are communicating this with our Congressional Delegation and there have been a number of conversations with the Speaker discussing multiple ways we could replenish that trust fund. On August the 3rd we put $12 million dollars in the trust fund from taxes fro the quarter. It is just not enough to meet the demand with the claims we have.
Other states have banned smoking in casinos because they are concerned people are taking their masks on and off, has that been discussed here?
I believe that was first discussed in Louisiana as far as I know right now when you just brought it up. My first impression is that makes some sense, but I hate to think out loud because sometimes you get in trouble. I think New Orleans and East Baton Rouge may be the only places where smoking is banned in casinos. That is something I will give some consideration to, but I am not making an announcement today.
You've been hesitant to discuss football, have you had a discussion with their administration?
I have. I have had discussions with their athletic director and most people love LSU football but we have football programs across the state. I have had an opportunity to discuss with Scott Woodward, the LSU Athletic Director, and they are planning for multiple contingencies with what they will be able to do safely in regards to the number of people they can put in the stands for a football game. They do not know what that will look like yet, and I do not know what that will look like yet. Obviously you cannot wait to make that discussion until game day, we will meet with other schools to determine how far in advance they need to know. They are looking at ways to get people in and out of the stadium in and out of restrooms, receive concessions, without having people grouping together. Will need to see where we are in terms of the data to inform what we can safely do here in Louisiana when football resumes. The good news is we have some additional time because they backed up the return of the season.
A number of local bars are applying for temporarily conditional restaurant licenses so they can continue to operate and keep their doors open and a reduced capacity. Can you explain from a public health standpoint why a bar with a newly acquired temporary conditional restaurant license is safer than a bar that does not
Because they have to operate as a restaurant. All the rules that apply to restaurants today will apply to them in terms of the 50% occupancy limit, the need to social distance people who are not in the same household, more than 1/2 of the income must be derived from food sales and not alcohol sales. So they would function like a restaurant which would make them safer. Another indication of the efforts we are making is to allow as many of these bar owners as much flexibility as possible so we are not just leaving them the option of pick up or drive-thru sales. Or allowing them to have 2 video poker machines open if they had inside, but it also allows them to function as a restaurant if they are able to do that. They are receiving these permits very quickly so they can get into operation and realize some income as soon as possible. It will be safer because all of their patrons will have to be seated, to distance, and so forth... its something we are doing in an effort to allow as many of these establishments to remain open as possible, but to do so in a safe manner.
Is there a recommendation/protocol about how many cases college and university campuses can have without having to reduce people from campus?
They are working hard with the Department of Public Health and the CDC to work with education leaders both K-12 and higher education, to determine what to do when there is a case and if there are multiple cases and so forth. We can all assume there will be cases. You cannot have the cases we have across Louisiana, resume school, and not have some of these cases show up in your universities or K-12 schools. It really depends on how many cases, if they are in the same classroom, same dormitory, etc. All of these things are being looked at. I can tell you just recently our higher education community completed tabletop exercises, and a result of lessons learned there they have now gone back and revised their plans and will continue to do that as they learn from one another, and as guidance from the CDC changes.
Will you report data based on outbreaks/cases on educational campuses?
I don't know. I am not sure what means we have to capture that information, but certainly, what we have we will share. We are not going to hide it from anyone. Before I say yes I want to make sure we can capture that through the means we have in place to update you every day, or if additional things need to go into place. I do not know if it will be a situation where I ask you to direct those questions to the particular educational systems and universities while we report the universal numbers. We will get back to you on that.
Is there a point you will use your authority as governor to limit on-campus instruction
I do not intend to have to do that because we know K-12 are doing everything they can to deliver an education that goes along with CDC guidelines. So it is not something I believe I will have to do. Higher educational students, especially vulnerable, will do online or hybrid education. So with everything, they plan to do and oversee.... what they are doing came up they from the Department of Health in consolation with the CDC guidelines. So I do not believe it will be necessary for me to step in.
Shreveport reports its third death of MIS-C?
The medical community trying to determine if that is just what COVID looks like in certain kids, or whether it is a separate medical condition that is tangental to COVID. We've had a number of deaths, but not like the 4,000 from COVID from around the state. So we are obviously concerned about that. It is further evidence that children are not immune to this disease. They are much less likely to have a serious illness, but it does still happens. We see sometimes a young person will get COVID-19 and have a bad result even though there is no identifiable co-morbid condition. It is not the rule, it is very much the exception, but it is evidence that children are not immune. This is why we must make certain the kids are as safe as possible which is one of the reasons why the CDC guidelines are important --- that kids socially distance, have masks, do no co-mingle, they stick to their cohort. That this starts form the moment they get on the bus to the moment they get home. It is critically important we do this if we are going to get children safely back in the classroom.

Closing Remarks

submitted by WizardMama to Coronaviruslouisiana [link] [comments]

What other characters believe are the relationships between Red the the supposed KGB agents: Dom, Ilya and Katarina

Most of the sleight of hand lies in confusing the audience nearly omniscient POV with each individual character's POV. Who knows what and when do they learn it is pivotal in unraveling the mystery. We are privy to what the real relationship between Red and those characters, but what do the others think Red wants with them?

Red and Ilya

The real relationship is close. They are childhood friends. And Red is frantic when Ilya is missing.
ILYA: Have I ever let you down?
RED: Once. When we were children.
ILYA: You wouldn't give back the truck. I'll get this done.
RED: You're always so optimistic.
ILYA: I thought that's why you loved me.
RED: I love you because I can trust you.
And we this confirmed
RED TO LIZ: The man she's taken, he's like a brother to me.
RED TO LIZ: She got to Steinhil, she's apprehended a dear friend of mine. You said she's after certain information. Does he have it? He does. And she'll do most anything to get it from him.
RED TO ILYA: you're not only my oldest friend. Today you're my favorite.
and the scenes with Glen, in which Red is by turns out of control, threatening, pleading:
Glen, this is important. Please, I I need you to find these people as soon as human
Glen, there is no casino night. There is no DMV. Right now, all that matters is finding Orion Relocation Services.
Don't tell me to take it easy. This is important. You're a tracker, and I need you to find out everything you can about these people, right now.
The woman from Paris She took someone I care deeply about. What's happening to him now, - what she's subjecting him to– I can't even begin to imagine, which is why I need to find him... But I can't do that unless you find Orion Relocation Services. Glen, I implore you. This is life or death.
What are you doing?... Why aren't you working?.... Have you found them? Orion Relocation Services?
We talked about this. There is no casino night. There is nothing but me standing right in front of you. Look at me. This thing we do, this whole dynamic? My indulgence of your relentless nonsense, your insipid banter? I tolerate it. But don't lose sight of the fact that this is a business relationship. You're a finder. You exist to me because you find things. Are you telling me that you can't find what I need you to find? Because if that's the case, I will end this right now. And don't think I won't because we have a history. If my friend dies because of you Orion Relocation Services. Find them.
He is throwing food around, in a scene that reminded me of Liz throwing the bag with the tapes in season 1, he is out of control, desperate. One of the few occasions we have seen Red out of control.
She took someone I care deeply about. What's happening to him now, - what she's subjecting him to – I can't even begin to imagine
This is life or death.
If my friend dies because of you
BUT what do the world thinks is their relationship?
Skip Sutherland, former British agent (living in London as well) has no clue of their relationship:
RED: What did you think would happen, Skip? You sold, to one of my worst enemies, the location of one of my dearest friends.
SKIP: I didn't know you were involved.
Skip had no idea that Red, who he believes is Raymond Reddington, former US Naval officer turned criminal, was involved with neither Fakerina, nor Ilya (who Fakerina tells is former KGB), that he was involved in that situation at all.
Red and Skip have a history, Skip knows he can trust Red's word:
I assume you denied Morozov the information he sought because he was gonna shoot you either way. And you were good and right. But you know me, Skip. So here's the deal. I'll provide you the best medical treatment and protection money can buy, provided you tell me what I need to know, right now. What did she hire you to do?
The relationship of Red and Ilya is hidden from the world. Fakerina went to a British agent, living in London, Skip Sutherland
RED: How do I find him?
SKIP: We met near my office. He He was a driver, a deliveryman. The cash, he brought it in his travel bag, like an order. Clay Elephant that was the restaurant.
RED: Dembe, call Edward. Tell him to get the jet ready for London. I want us in the air within the hour.
this reminded me when Samar found information about Leonard Caul, former CIA, with Mossad, when the CIA had scrubbed his information from the system including his fingerprints:
NAVABI: We checked with NCIC. The prints they ran on our eight-fingered mystery man were a dead end. No criminal record, no background checks. He wasn't in their system.... But he was in Mossad's. Leonard Caul's real name is Joseph McCray. He's former CIA. Last-known photograph dates back to 1981.
RESSLER: He was part of Operation Harwood, a covert surveillance unit run out of Managua to keep tabs on the Sandinistas. The Agency knows who he is, but they won't say. Classified.
And that includes what Fakerina believes is the relationship between them, because she believes Red wants the address she had bought from Skip because he wants to find Ilya:
FAKERINA: This is about what the man in the park told me.
RED: Morozov told you about that, didn't he?
Motya Morozov, who bought into the TD
Red believes that the information Morozov disclosed is his conversation with Morozov before: "It's about the Townsend Directive. I understand it's been reactivated that you and everyone else who bought in are actively hunting for her."
Fakerina reveals to Red what she thinks he wants:
FAKERINA: That's why you want to see me. You want the address I bought.
RED: I'm not interested in an address. I'm interested in you coming to me.
Fakerina has no idea Red does not need to buy Ilya's address, that Ilya is his oldest friend. She believes Red wants Ilya's address for the same reason she and Morozov want it:
Ilya Koslov.... The one person who can tell me what I need to know.
Not the one person left who can tell me. The ONE person who can tell her.
Fakerina knows Morozov bought into the TD and is hunting for Katarina Rostova. She also believes Motya got Sutherland and will find the information she bought:
I got what I needed, but so did Morozov. His people were tailing Sutherland. I killed one of them. But they still took him.... Our problem is Morozov. He now has the source of our intel. It's only a matter of time before he extracts the location of Koslov
So, Fakerina and Motya both want the location of Ilya Koslov as the source of the information they want. They also believe Red wants the same information because they have no clue, as does Skip too, that Red and Ilya are old friends.
Fakerina also believes Ilya Koslov was a former KGB agent:
The location for the KGB agent formerly known as Ilya
She wanted the whereabouts of an old KGB operative.
What is also interesting to me is that we know Ilya is married or has a long time partner, likely Linda.
I spoke to Linda. She says you haven't slept well since it all happened.
Linda tells me your goddaughter's getting married Saturday. You should go...Get drunk, dance the hora, and forget.
BUT when Fakerina gets the address from Skip of Ilya Koslov, former KGB, is a Washington, DC address.
A rather empty apartment that does not look lived in. With nothing personal on it, and no trace of a woman.
Could this be Ilya's equivalent to Red's Bethesda apartment. A place with traces to his Koslov identity?
Is it possible that the apartment traces to Ilya Koslov back to the late 1980s? That is the equivalent of Red's Bethesda apartment? A place tied to the Koslov identity?
ILYA: No. I-I am not leaving your side until this is done.
Instead of the place he lives with Linda, which we know is not DC:
a wooded area. in the DC/Virginia/Maryland area or on the NY area?
We see him show up at his goddaughter's wedding with a woman:
This must be Linda.

Red and Dom

WE know the relationship between Red and Dom is far from warm and cozy.
YOUNG ILYA: I should tell him. YOUNG DOM: We're not telling him anything. YOUNG ILYA:Oh. I know how you feel, but Reddington deserves to know what we've done. YOUNG DOM: Why? Why does Reddington deserve to know anything?
DOM TO RED: There was nothing complicated about it. We had to back out of Masha's life to keep her safe, after you made a colossal mess of everything. Only you couldn't stay well enough away, could you? Now you you come to my house with this sorry tale of loss, like you're the only one affected by this. You're the only one whose feelings matter. Well, guess what, Raymond? Masha was my granddaughter, and now she's dead without even knowing I existed! All my sacrifices shot to hell. I could've spent the last 30 years just being her grandfather. You selfish prick.
DOM: Mm. Sympathy? .... Are you waiting for my sympathy? Maybe a hug. RED: God, no. DOM: Good, because you wouldn't find that here anyway.
RED TO DOM: You don't have to believe me or help me or like me. You never have. I don't know why you'd have to start now
But when it comes to the apparent relationship between Red and Dom, things get very complicated. Fakerina KNEW that Red would lead her to Dom, which was the objective of the charade with Frankie and the escape:
FAKERINA: Very well. Dom then. That's right. I found him. I know it's cruel to go after the old man, but you leave me no choice. Something tells me he won't hold up nearly as well.
We found him. A farmhouse a few hours north
FAKERINA: Raymond, I told you I want answers, which means I need him alive. Send him out, and I'll have no choice but to save his life.
Fakerina knows Red and Dom are in contact, yet she has no idea Red and Ilya are. So that HAS to be about Masha.
I know what Dominic thought. And he's paying for his sins. And if he survives, I'll find him again and finish the job. At least he believed he was protecting Masha. But you you were my friend.
And he counted on Red protecting him, even if she believes Red is Raymond Reddington, former US Naval officer.
FAKERINA: Raymond. There are rules.
RED: Which you've ignored.
FAKERINA: Dom was a player in the game.
RED: His game ended long ago.
But what is interesting to me, is that she knows Ilya and Dom conspired to have her killed in Belgrade,
She knows you tried to kill her, Dom. She wants answers, but she also wants revenge. You set her up, betrayed her
and until the memory retrieval, when Ilya was talking about telling Reddington, Fakerina believed Red was complicit in it:
Everything I cared about died that day.
I didn't want that.
I'd made a life for myself, a family. You blew all that up.
I didn't know.
Dom promised me no one would get hurt. Said he loved his child and just wanted her to be safe. Do I seem safe to you? Hunted, chased into the shadows.
I I can't give you what you want.
What I want is my family back. No one can give me that back. Least of all you. You can't give me what I want. But you can give me what I need. You want me to believe you had nothing to do with Belgrade.
I didn't.
She knows Dom's reason would have been protecting Masha,
I know what Dominic thought. And he's paying for his sins. And if he survives, I'll find him again and finish the job. At least he believed he was protecting Masha. But you you were my friend.
she knew Dom had asked her for help:
Dom promised me no one would get hurt. Said he loved his child and just wanted her to be safe.
So, it is likely that Fakerina believes Red and Dom being in contact is about Masha. She believes Red to be RR, at least at that point, and she knows RR is Liz's father, as we see in this conversation with Liz's newly hired nanny, to get her to quit:
But you're familiar with - the name Raymond Reddington....Have you heard of him? ...He's also Keen's father. Open it. That man is one of our agents. He's staking out Keen's building. Four years go, Reddington and Keen went on the run together. She was on the FBI's Most Wanted list.
NANNY: It says here her name is Masha Rostova.
It also says she's the daughter of a KGB agent. A notorious KGB agent named Katarina Rostova. The agent out front - He's not looking for Reddington. He's looking for her. As bad as he is, Rostova's worse. The child you're being asked to care for is their granddaughter.
So, she believes Red will protect Dom but wants the information about Ilya:
Well, mine hasn't! I'm still being hunted. And it's not gonna end unless I end it. This is about what the man in the park told me..... That's why you want to see me. You want the address I bought.
It seems Fakerina wants a location for Katarina, or proof of her death.
And it seems that Fakerina believes Red will protect Dom and Katarina for Masha, but she does not know anything true about the relationship between Red, who she believes is a former US Naval officer and Ilya, who she believes is a former KGB agent. It is likely she believed Dom to be also a KGB agent.

Red and Katarina

When it comes to this, it is easy to get lost in all we know about them. But what do the world believes is their relationship? In season 6 Red had been acquitted of the treason charge:
In United States v. Raymond Reddington, to the single count alleging violation of Title 18, United States Code Section 2381, Treason, how do you find?
Not guilty.
when the tape found at Minister D revealed a conspiracy between Alan Fitch and Katarina Rostova to frame Raymond Reddington for the Gideon affair.
If we set aside all the private things we have witnessed, the Cape May episode, the scenes with Dom, what Red has told Liz, what do the world believe?
Do the world believe Reddington and Katarina are allies or enemies? Let us begin by what the scene with Motya Morozov tells us:
RED: It's about the Townsend Directive. I understand it's been reactivated that you and everyone else who bought in are actively hunting for her.
MOTYA: Do you think I'm an idiot?
RED: Motya, I need to take care of this myself. It's personal.
MOTYA: .... Forget about The Directive. Forget about Katarina Rostova. I'm not gonna help you find her. I'm gonna hunt her down, and I'm gonna kill her myself.
Morozov believes Red wants information so that he can get to Katarina and kill her ("I'm not gonna help you find her. I'm gonna hunt her down, and I'm gonna kill her myself.")
This phrase: "gonna hunt her down, and I'm gonna kill her myself." suggests he believes Red's objective in finding Katarina is to kill her, not because of a bounty like he does ("you and everyone else who bought in are actively hunting for her,") but for personal reasons ("I need to take care of this myself. It's personal.").
So Motya believes that Red wants to find Katarina to kill her himself. Motya is hunting for her for the bounty, as part of the TD.
That makes sense. For the world, Katarina Rostova had betrayed Reddington, and framed him as a traitor, causing him to become a criminal, a hunted man.
What does Fakerina believe? She certainly believes Red is RR, at least until the memory retrieval in Orion, and she knows RR is the father of Liz AKA Masha Rostova and that Liz is Masha and is the daughter of Katarina Rostova. (which one?)
Raymond Reddington.....He's also Keen's father.... Four years go, Reddington and Keen went on the run together. She was on the FBI's Most Wanted list.
MEJIA: It says here her name is Masha Rostova.
FAKERINA: It also says she's the daughter of a KGB agent. A notorious KGB agent named Katarina Rostova. The agent out front - He's not looking for Reddington. He's looking for her. As bad as he is, Rostova's worse. The child you're being asked to care for is their granddaughter. They're in Keen's life, and if you take this job, they'll be in yours, as well.
Fakerina's first line of inquiry was about Katarina. To see if Red would give up any information about Katarina Rostova:
OBAN: I have been hunting you and Katarina Rostova.... We know that she is in Paris. And at the risk of stating the obvious, it cannot be a coincidence that you are here, as well.....Tell me about Rostova.... We know about the Townsend Directive. We know that it is a standing order to kill Rostova and that it is very much in play. I want you to tell me who is coming for her and where she is so I can get to her before they do. She has some intel that I want, and obviously I cannot get it from her if she's dead.
RED: You said you prefer illusion to reality.
Mm. More than you can possibly imagine.
I may have seemed like an illusion, but she is one someone you can never find.... I may not have told you what you want, but I told you all you need. You'll never find Rostova.
Ah, yes, yes, yes, because she's an illusion. What does that mean?
She's a figment of the collective imagination.
I don't believe you.
this part is interesting. It probes if Red would admit to Oban if he and Katarina are allies or enemies:
In fact I am thinking that she did this to you.
Did she?
Why are you protecting her?
Some people in this world are soul mates. Katarina Rostova and I shared one. Betraying her would be like betraying myself.
Red's answer just tells her that Red will not betray Katarina. But Fakerina seems puzzled that Red is not giving her what she wants:
FAKERINA: I have to give them what they want. Tell me how.
I have nothing to tell you.
FAKERINA: We'll see. If you think those secrets of yours are worth dying for? Prove it.
This also goes for what Fakerina believes, that Red wants Ilya's information to find him.
This is about what the man in the park told me.... That's why you want to see me. You want the address I bought.
Later she learned that Red and Ilya had a relationship of some sort:
YOUNG ILYA: I should tell him.
YOUNG DOM: We're not telling him anything.
YOUNG ILYA: Oh. I know how you feel, but Reddington deserves to know what we've done.
YOUNG DOM: Why? Why does Reddington deserve to know anything?
YOUNG ILYA: Because he's a part of this.
Then there is what she asks Ilya:
And Reddington? Whoever he is, he's still out there! The benefactor to all of this.... You're protecting him, but people are trying to kill me.
FAKERINA: You're protecting him.
ILYA: I made a promise.
FAKERINA: But you cared about me.
ILYA: Yes, and I do, but I
This is what the timeline for what Fakerina believes:
  1. She starts alerted either from the TD being activated again or from the traces left by inquiries about her that Red is likely coming to rope her into his narratives. She waits for him and takes him instead.
  2. She knows Liz aka Masha is the daughter of RR and KR. She has no idea about the task force, and all information on them is classified after 2013.
  3. She learns from the "Inspector Oban charade" that Reddington will not betray Katarina, and will not say anything about who is in the hunt. He also does not say anything to Oban about Fakerina, so he is being loyal to her as well, or he does not wish to make that public at any rate.
  4. She knows then Red will lead her to Dom. He does.
  5. Red tells Motya that he wants to be appraised of any location for Rostova. Obviously Motya and Fakerina know OF each other, because Motya is following Skip Sutherland, OR he is following Fakerina. He kidnaps Skip and leaves Fakerina. And he knows Skip sold Fakerina information ("This one was with Rostova. Sold her information, but he wouldn't tell me what.")
  6. Fakerina then believes Red wanted Ilya's address from Skip. It is clear that Fakerina and Morozov know each other, or OF each other. Morozov, despite calling her Katarina Rostova, seem to know Fakerina is not the target but she has information, and he can sell her to the highest bidder.
  7. Then Fakerina learned in the memory recall that there is a relationship of some sort between Red and Ilya, because Ilya wanted to tell Reddington about the Belgrade incident.
  8. She then believes Ilya is protecting Red, and she does not understand why. She believes Red is the one organizing and protecting Dom and Ilya, but she does not understand why Ilya is protecting Red.
  9. When she fakes her death, she tells Liz she will try to find who Red really is. Liz believes is post 1991, but is that what Fakerina believes? Or has all the information collected told her she does not understand the relationships between the players because she does not know who they really are?
submitted by TessaBissolli to TheBlackList [link] [comments]

Every single movie mentioned on CNN's The Movies

(It's a long list so hold on to your butts)
"The Great Train Robbery"
"Safety Last!"
"Sherlock Jr."
"The Gold Rush"
"Body and Soul"
"The Son of the Sheik"
"The Jazz Singer"
"The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog"
"Lights of New York"
"Steamboat Willie"
"The CameraMan"
"The Kiss"
"The Hollywood Revue of 1929"
"A Lady To Love"
"Anna Christie"
"Animal Crackers"
"The Big House"
"The Blue Angel"
"All Quiet on the Western Frontier"
"West of Broadway"
"Monkey Business"
"Blonde Crazy"
"Laughing Sinners"
"Little Caeser"
"The Public Enemy"
"The Champ"
"City Lights"
"Grand Hotel"
"The Mummy"
"Horse Feathers"
"Red-Headed Woman"
"Blonde Venus"
"Red Dust"
"Queen Christina"
"The Invisble Man"
"King Kong"
"Duck Soup"
"Gold Diggers of 1933"
"Footlight Parade"
"42nd Street"
"Baby Face"
"She Done Him Wrong"
"I'm No Angel"
"It Happened One Night"
"Twentieth Century"
"Kid Millions"
"Of Human Bondage"
"Manhattan Melodrama"
"Mutiny on the Bounty"
"The Bride of Frankenstein"
"A Night at the Opera"
"Gold Diggers of 1935"
"Symphony In Black: A Rhapsody of Negro Life"
"The Little Colonel"
"The Devil is a Woman"
"The 39 Steps"
"Triumph of the Will"
"San Francisco"
"Swing Time"
"My Man Godfrey"
"Show Boat"
"The Petrified Forest"
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
"The Awful Truth"
"Bringing Up Baby"
"Love Finds Andy Hardy"
"The Women"
"The Wizard of Oz"
"Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"
"Love Affair"
"Of Mice and Men"
"Only Angels Have Wings"
"Goodbye, Mr. Chips"
"Gunga Din"
"Wuthering Heights"
"Young Mr. Lincoln"
"Gone With the Wind"
"The Philadelphia Story"
"His Girl Friday"
"The Great Dictator"
"The Grapes of Wrath"
"The Wolf Man"
"Sullivan's Travels"
"The Lady Eve"
"Citizen Kane"
"The Maltese Falcon"
"Wake Island"
"The Battle of Midway"
"The Miracle of Morgan's Creek"
"Air Force"
"Double Indemnity"
"Meet Me in St. Louis"
"The Battle of San Pietro"
"They Were Expendable"
"The Best Years of Our Lives"
"It's a Wonderful Life"
"The Killers"
"The Big Sleep"
"My Darling Clementine"
"Out of the Past"
"Fort Apache"
"The Third Man"
"Samson and Delilah"
"She Wore a Yellow Ribbon"
"The Asphalt Jungle"
"Gun Crazy"
"Sunset Boulevard"
"All About Eve"
"Born Yesterday"
"Rio Grande"
"Quo Vadis"
"An American in Paris"
"The Thing From Another World"
"The Day the Earth Stood Still"
"A Streetcar Named Desire"
"The African Queen"
"Singin' in the Rain"
"High Noon"
"The Hitch-hiker"
"The Robe"
"The Band Wagon"
"From Here to Eternity"
"Roman Holiday"
"Gentleman Prefer Blondes"
"How to Marry a Millionarie"
"A Star is Born"
"On the Waterfront"
"Rear Window"
"To Cathch a Thief"
"Creature From The Black Lagoon"
"Blackboard Jungle"
"East of Eden"
"Rebel Without a Cause"
"The Seven Year Itch"
"The Ten Commandments"
"Godzilla, King of the Monsters!"
"Invasion of the Body Snatchers"
"The Searchers"
"The Deadly Mantis"
"A Face in the Crowd"
"Sweet Smell of Success"
"The Bridge on the River Kwai"
"I Married a Monster From Outer Space"
"Cat On A Hot Tin Roof"
"The Defiant Ones"
"Some Like It Hot"
"North By Northwest"
"Rio Bravo"
"Pillow Talk"
"The Apartment"
"The Bellboy"
"The Magnificent Seven"
"One-Eyed Jacks"
"Sergeant Rutledge"
"West Side Story"
"Breakfast at Tiffany's"
"Splendor in the Grass"
"Lover Come Back"
"The Ladies Man"
"The Errand Boy"
"El Cid"
"The Hustler"
"The Misfits"
"A Raisin In The Sun"
"The Longest Day"
"How The West Was Won"
"Lawrence Of Arabia"
"Cape Fear"
"The Manchurian Candidate"
"That Touch of Mink"
"Mutiny On The Bounty"
"Dr. No"
"Ride The High Country"
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"
"To Kill A Mockingbird"
"The Thrill Of It All"
"The Pink Panther"
"The Nutty Professor"
"Tom Jones"
"Jason and the Argonauts"
"The Ugly American"
"The Great Escape"
"From Russia With Love"
"Lilies Of The Field"
"Send Me No Flowers"
"The Patsy"
"Dr. StrangeLove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About the Bomb"
"The Fall Of The Roman Empire"
"My Fair Lady"
"Mary Poppins"
"A Fistful Of Dollars"
"Cheynne Autumn"
"The Great Race"
"The Agony and The Ecstasy"
"The Greatest Story Ever Told"
"Doctor Zhivago"
"The Sound Of Music"
"The Cincinnati Kid"
"A Patch Of Blue"
"The Shooting"
"What's Up, Tiger Lily?"
"The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming"
"The Sand Pebbles"
"A Man For All Seasons"
"The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly"
"Thr Professionals"
"Who's Afraid of Virgina Woolf?"
"The Wild Angels"
"Doctor Dolittle"
"Barefoot In The Park"
"The Producers"
"Cool Hand Luke"
"You Only Live Twice"
"Guess Who's Coming To Dinner"
"To Sir, With Love"
"In The Heat Of The Night"
"Bonnie and Clyde"
"The Graduate"
"Finian's Rainbow"
"The Odd Couple"
"The Lion In Winter"
"Funny Girl"
"The Thomas Crown Affair"
"Once Upon A Time In The West"
"Night Of The Living Dead"
"Rosemary's Baby"
"Planet Of The Apes"
"2001: A Space Odyssey"
"Paint Your Wagon"
"Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid"
"The Wild Bunch"
"Easy Rider"
"Putney Swope"
"Alice's Restaurant"
"Downhill Racer"
"Medium Cool"
"They Shoot Horses, Don't They?"
"Midnight Cowboy"
"True Grit"
"Little Big Man"
"Five Easy Pieces"
"Love Story"
"The Last Picture Show"
"Play Misty For Me"
"The French Connection"
"Straw Dogs"
"Dirty Harry"
"THX 1138"
"Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song"
"Carnal Knowledge"
"McCabe & Mrs. Miller"
"Harold and Maude"
"Minnie and Moskowitz"
"A New Leaf"
"A Clockwork Orange"
"Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory"
"The Getaway"
"The Godfather"
"Boxcar Bertha"
"Play It Again Sam"
"The Heartbreak Kid"
"Jeremiah Johnson"
"The Candidate"
"What's Up, Doc?"
"Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex*"
"The Long Goodbye"
"The Last Detail"
"Mean Streets"
"Enter The Dragon"
"American Graffiti"
"The Sting"
"The Way We Were"
"The Exorcist"
"The Paper Chase"
"Save The Tiger"
"Don't Look Now"
"Paper Moon"
"The Sugarland Express"
"The Godfather Part II"
"Blazing Saddles"
"Young Frankenstein"
"Foxy Brown"
"A Woman Under The Influence"
"Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore"
"The Great Gatsby"
"The Conversation"
"The Parallax View"
"California Split"
"Love and Death"
"Dog Day Afternoon"
"Sheba, Baby"
"One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest"
"The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
"Three Days Of The Condor"
"Monty Python and The Holy Grail"
"Taxi Driver"
"Marathon Man"
"All The President's Men"
"The Outlaw Josey Wales"
"Silver Streak"
"The Bad News Bears"
"Bound For Glory"
"Annie Hall"
"Close Encounters Of The Third Kind"
"Opening Night"
"Saturday Night Fever"
"Star Wars: A New Hope"
"The Turning Point"
"The Goodbye Girl"
"Slap Shot"
"New York, New York"
"Smokey and The Bandit"
"National Lampoon's Animal House"
"An Unmarried Woman"
"The Deer Hunter"
"Coming Home"
"Superman The Movie"
"Heaven Can Wait"
"Days Of Heaven"
"Midnight Express"
"Being There"
"All That Jazz"
"Apocalypse Now"
"The China Syndrome"
"Norma Rae"
"Breaking Away"
"Kramer Vs. Kramer"
"Raging Bull"
"The Elephant Man"
"Coal Miner's Daughter"
"Ordinary People"
"The Shining"
"Heaven's Gate"
"Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back"
"The Blues Brothers"
"9 to 5"
"Raiders of the Lost Ark"
"Escape from New York"
"Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior"
"The French Lieutenant's Woman"
"Chariots of Fire"
"On Golden Pond"
"E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial"
"The Verdict"
"Blade Runner"
"Sophie's Choice"
"The King of Comedy"
"Fast Times at Ridgemont High"
"Rocky III"
"48 Hrs."
"First Blood"
"Conan the Barbarian"
"The Big Chill"
"Terms of Endearment"
"The Right Stuff"
"Trading Places"
"Risky Business"
"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi"
"This is Spinal Tap"
"Beverly Hills Cop"
"The Natural"
"Purple Rain"
"Sixteen Candles"
"Police Academy"
"A Nightmare on Elm Street"
"The Terminator"
"Broadway Danny Rose"
"Once Upon a Time in America"
"Blood Simple"
"Missing in Action"
"Stranger Than Paradise"
"The Killing Fields"
"Back to the Future"
"The Purple Rose of Cairo"
"The Goonies"
"Pee-Wee's Big Adventure"
"The Breakfast Club"
"Desperately Seeking Susan"
"Spies Like Us"
"Rambo: First Blood Part II"
"Rocky IV"
"Out of Africa"
"Top Gun"
"Down and Out in Beverly Hills"
"Stand By Me"
"Crocodile Dundee"
"Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
"Three Amigos"
"Blue Velvet"
"Hannah and Her Sisters"
"Pretty in Pink"
"The Color of Money"
"The Princess Bride"
"Fatal Attraction"
"Empire of the Sun"
"Wall Street"
"Raising Arizona"
"Three Men and a Baby"
"Dirty Dancing"
"Lethal Weapon"
"Broadcast News"
"The Untouchables"
"Good Morning, Vietnam"
"Hamburger Hill"
"Full Metal Jacket"
"The Last Emperor"
"Planes, Trains & Automobiles"
"Who Framed Roger Rabbit"
"Coming to America"
"Bull Durham"
"The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!"
"Working Girl"
"A Cry in the Dark"
"Mississippi Burning"
"Die Hard"
"Rain Man"
"Do the Right Thing"
"Drugstore Cowboy"
"Crimes and Misdemeanors"
"Sex, Lies and Videotape"
"Born on the Fourth of July"
"Dead Poets Society"
"My Left Foot"
"Field of Dreams"
"When Harry Met Sally..."
"Say Anything ..."
"The Little Mermaid"
"The Abyss"
"House Party"
"To Sleep with Anger"
"Pretty Woman"
"Edward Scissorhands"
"Dances with Wolves"
"Miller's Crossing"
"Blue Steel"
"Home Alone"
"The Silence of the Lambs"
"Thelma and Louise"
"L.A. Story"
"Boyz n the Hood"
"Barton Fink"
"New Jack City"
"Daughters of the Dust"
"Point Break"
"The Prince of Tides"
"Hangin' with the Homeboys"
"Beauty and the Beast"
"Little Man Tate"
"Rambling Rose"
"Terminator 2: Judgement Day"
"Basic Instinct"
"Malcolm X"
"Reservoir Dogs"
"Wayne's World"
"Just Another Girl on the I.R.T."
"Gas Food Lodging"
"A Few Good Men"
"The Last of the Mohicans"
"A League of Their Own"
"Schindler's List"
"Groundhog Day"
"Mrs. Doubtfire"
"Poetic Justice"
"Six Degrees of Separation"
"Sleepless in Seattle"
"Dazed and Confused"
"The Nightmare Before Christmas"
"The Piano"
"Jurassic Park"
"The Shawshank Redemption"
"Forrest Gump"
"Heavenly Creatures"
"Quiz Show"
"The Mask"
"Dumb and Dumber"
"Ace Ventura: Pet Detective"
"Four Weddings and a Funeral"
"Pulp Fiction"
"The Lion King"
"Ed Wood"
"The Hudsucker Proxy"
"Little Women"
"The Usual Suspects"
"Apollo 13"
"Higher Learning"
"While You Were Sleeping"
"The Basketball Diaries"
"Dead Presidents"
"Waiting to Exhale"
"How to Make an American Quilt"
"Bad Boys"
"Welcome to the Dollhouse"
"The Brothers McMullen"
"Toy Story"
"The English Patient"
"Happy Gilmore"
"Waiting for Guffman"
"Set it Off"
"Independence Day"
"Jerry Maguire"
"Hard Eight"
"Grace of My Heart"
"Walking and Talking"
"Romeo + Juliet"
"L.A. Confidential"
"Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery"
"Soul Food"
"My Best Friend's Wedding"
"Men in Black"
"As Good As It Gets"
"Boogie Nights"
"Out of Sight"
"The Thin Red Line"
"Saving Private Ryan"
"The Wedding Singer"
"There's Something About Mary"
"Dr. Dolittle"
"How Stella Got Her Groove Back"
"The Big Lebowski"
"You've Got Mail"
"The End of the Affair"
"Office Space"
"The Best Man"
"Runaway Bride"
"Notting Hill"
"Toy Story 2"
"The Matrix"
"The Sixth Sense"
"The Talented Mr. Ripley"
"The Blair Witch Project"
"Man on the Moon"
"The Cider House Rules"
"The Hurricane"
"American Beauty"
"Girl, Interrupted"
"The Insider"
"Boys Don't Cry"
"The Virgin Suicides"
"Three Kings"
"Being John Malkovich"
"Fight Club"
"Star Wars: The Phantom Menace"
"Erin Brockovich"
"Miss Congeniality"
"Cast Away"
"Almost Famous"
"A Beautiful Mind"
"Ocean's Eleven"
"Legally Blonde"
"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"
"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"
"Training Day"
"Moulin Rouge!"
"The Royal Tenenbaums"
"Monsters, Inc."
"Minority Report"
"My Big Fat Greek Wedding"
"Gangs of New York"
"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"
"The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"
"Men in Black II"
"Something's Gotta Give"
"Lost in Translation"
"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"
"Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl"
"Old School"
"The Incredibles"
"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"
"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"
"The Bourne Supremacy"
"Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy"
"Brokeback Mountain"
"The-40-Year-Old Virgin"
"Batman Begins"
"The Devil Wears Prada"
"The Departed"
"The Holiday"
"Casino Royale"
"Little Miss Sunshine"
"Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan"
"Pan's Labyrinth"
"Children of Men"
"There Will Be Blood"
"No Country for Old Men"
"Knocked Up"
"Mamma Mia!"
"Slumdog Millionaire"
"Step Brothers"
"The Dark Knight"
"Iron Man"
"It's Complicated"
"Inglourious Basterds"
"The Hangover"
"The Hurt Locker"
"True Grit"
"The Social Network"
"Black Swan"
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1"
"Winter's Bone"
"The Kids Are All Right"
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2"
"Captain America: The First Avenger"
"Django Unchained"
"The Master"
"Moonrise Kingdom"
"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey"
"Zero Dark Thirty"
"Silver Linings Playbook"
"The Avengers"
"The Hunger Games"
"Good Deeds"
"Fast & Furious 6"
"The Heat"
"American Hustle"
"12 Years a Slave"
"Fruitvale Station"
"The Grand Budapest Hotel"
"American Sniper"
"Guardians of the Galaxy"
"Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)"
"Mission: Impossible -- Rogue Nation"
"The Revenant"
"Straight Outta Compton"
"La La Land"
"Doctor Strange"
"Spider-man: Homecoming"
"The Shape of Water"
"The Florida Project"
"Lady Bird"
"Get Out"
"Wonder Woman"
"Avengers: Infinity War"
"Black Panther"
"Crazy Rich Asians"
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Point Edward Casino, 2000 VENETIAN BLVD, Point Edward ON Restaurant. HOME; Point Edward Casino 2000 VENETIAN BLVD, Point Edward ON (519) 383-7770 Contact Review . As of two months ago Map and Directions ; Is this your Restaurant? Claim it Casino Point Edward Restaurant the opportunity to play thousands of slot machines for free, as Starburts, Gonzo’s Quest, Twin$pin, Jack and and Beanstalk, etc. Starlight Casino Point Edward, formerly OLG Casino Point Edward, is owned and operated by Gateway Casinos & Entertainment Limited and located in the Village of Point Edward. A trip to this Ontario casino provides guests with a Vegas-style atmosphere that centers around dining, gaming and entertainment. Open daily from 9am to 10pm, The Getaway at Gateway Casino Point Edward features two complete menus to choose from. The restaurant's main menu features everything from appetizers, soups, and salads to entrees such as the Chicken & Rib Combo and English-Style Fish & Chips to yummy desserts. Feb 10, 2021 - OLG Casino Point Edward has 450 slot machines plus 27 table games including Texas Hold'em Poker and more! Enjoy our full service Getaway restaurant. Mon to Wed 9am to 4am and Thurs to Sun 24 hours! 6 reviews of Gateway Casino Point Edward "Pretty small and not much in the way of table games. Coming from the U.S., you need to convert your gambling bank roll into Canadian funds which is sort of annoying (esp. if the line to the Cashier is too long). We saw low returns on the slots and video poker." Starlight Casino Point Edward 2000 Venetian Blvd, Point Edward, ON N7T 8G4. Tel: 519-383-7770 [email protected] OLG Casino Point Edward: DINNER BUFFET - See 129 traveler reviews, 16 candid photos, and great deals for Point Edward, Canada, at Tripadvisor. Located in the center of the casino floor, right in the middle of all the action! It’s the ideal spot to meet, take in a game, sip on a beverage and enjoy some lively conversation with friends. Hours: Mon – Fri: 5pm – 2am: Sat & Sun: 11am – 2am: The Buffet is Temporarily Closed. A unique combination of excellent food at value pricing with an entertaining atmosphere. *Price may vary Casinos surrounding Point Edward ON: 67 of 69 result(s) Gateway Casinos & Entertainment Ltd. 2000 Venetian Blvd, Port Edward, ON N7T 8G4 Get directions. Casinos. Open until 6:00 pm. Call. 519-383-7770; 1-888-394-6244; Directions; Website; Search nearby; Greg's Taxi. 768 Campbell St, Sarnia, ON N7T 2J6 Get directions. Greg's taxi in Sarnia is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We rush, you

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